Chapter Eight.

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15 Days.

I'd gotten used to how loud the city was even at night, but at the sharp noise of a passing ambulance, I turned to see my watch reading 4:00 Am.

It had been hard enough to sleep without the thought of Elia insisting on being a priority, so being awake so early was painful.  Only the now distant siren, keeping me up and wide eyed.

I didn't enjoy how nostalgic it sounded. And it felt like forever since I had so much as heard one. But I couldn't help but remember the amount of times I had been the one needing it.

It felt nice to be on the outside for once. Wishing someone I didn't know the best, instead of having all sympathy directed at me.

The same circumstances had taken me away from Elia all those years ago, so admittedly, it had me on edge. But as my head fell to the side, I glanced out the window at his apartment across the street, a smile on my face at knowing I truly wasn't going anywhere.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt... To love him again.

At the sudden and aggressive knocking coming from downstairs, I was pulled from my sleep for the second time in one night, hoping it would stop and I could try and get some rest. But as I stared up at the plain ceiling, I grew more and more tired while the noise failed to cease.

    Pulling myself from the sheets, I dragged the blanket at the foot of the bed with me. Dizziness would be an understatement... So I did my best to be as cautious as I could while I walked down the stairs, clinging onto the banister as the knocking only continued, now, to my concern.

    "I'm coming..." I faded off when my voice failed to reach a pitch higher than a whisper. Placing my hand on the door, I was slightly worried about who could be so persistent so early in the morning, but I didn't stay on it for as long as I should have before opening it. A sudden shock spread over me as Elia stood in front of me; his hair, a mess and a robe tied around himself in a way that implied it had been a rush. But when I met his wide and practically teary eyes, I didn't have the time to speak as he pulled me into a hug so firm I nearly lost my balance.

It should've been obvious... I should have known he would be worried. It had been the same occurrence that separated us for so long... And I felt as I began to cry out of guilt for causing him so much stress. "...Are you okay...Elia?" I whispered as he let out a relieved sigh against my neck, and I moved my hand to gently support the back of his head, hating that I had to act so oblivious when I wanted nothing more than to comfort him and apologize.

"Yeah, yeah now I am." I ignored the ticklish feeling as he murmured against my skin,  "sorry... ambulances scare the hell out of me." He was hesitant to lean back, and even then he barely did. "Just super glad it didn't stop here."

It took me a moment to think of how I could respond, and with an exhale, I took his face between my hands, letting the blanket fall to the ground. "There's no need for it to ever do so, I'm in perfect health..." I did my best to smile through the exhaustion, keeping my thumbs under his eyes when they threatened tears.

His breathless laugh was reliving to hear, "right... sorry, again. Mm- here, I'll walk you back to bed." Elia seemed to be a mess... And as his grip loosened and he blinked the tears from his eyes, I took his hand.

"Do you want to stay and talk? I really don't mind, I'd feel worse if you're alone..." Keeping my hold on his hand, I leaned down to pick up the blanket, trying not to shiver but failing horribly. "If you want to stay over, Elia, that's fine." It wouldn't be the first, but he also wouldn't know that...

"You wouldn't mind...?" He brought the blanket further around me, but I could only focus on his shaking hands. "I'd like to stay over... if that's alright."

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