Chapter Eight- Corrupt Actions

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I opened the doors to the club quite loudly. I stepped out, and the cold smog filled air greeted me.

At this moment, what would have been a normal concern to me wasn't. I didn't care if I had to walk home alone. Nor did I care about the potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

I didn't even care if Sleezy looking Seymour was there.

With the adrenaline running through my veins, I'd felt like I could run a whole marathon.

Outside of the bar stood Alex leaning leisurely against his motorcycle. His bike was leaning against the wall  where Sleezy Seymour was.

His head was hung low as he took a long drag of his cigarette. His eyes fluttered open when he heard the doors of the club being opened loudly. By me.

Alex studied me, and he spoke, "I knew you wouldn't last five minutes in there." He motioned his head towards the club.

The club in which Maxwell was there. The last time Maxwell had an eye test, he'd gotten a perfect score. The guy had 20/20 vision.

And I was almost certain that he saw me and the news article. Although Maxwell was never a fan of gossip blogs, the news pertaining to Christopher and I was plastered on every single news site.

So, it's safe to say that Maxwell saw the news and wanted to meet with me using Christopher.

"I need a ride." I blurted out desperately,  "Could you take me home?"

Alex looked at me skeptically. He took another leisurely drawl of his cigarette, and he pointed at the club, "You found out that your boyfriend cheated on you. Boterbloem?"

I let out an anxious breath, my eyes flickering to the club doors. Maxwell could be here any minute.

I clarified, "There's is nothing going on between Christopher and I. We're just friends. We've always been friends and nothing more." I clarified speedily.

Alex raised his eyebrows in unbelief, and I impatiently added, "You know that I can run home."

"If you ran, you probably wouldn't make it very far." He said with a lopsided smirk.

Alex reached for his helmet, and he threw it at me. The helmet nearly slipped in my sweaty hands as I attempted to catch it.

"You really want to get away from this place as fast as possible." He taunted, and he lifted one leg over the bike.

He started the engine and revved it loudly so much so that I had to cover my ears with my hands.

Has this guy never heard of noise pollution?

Alex's body shifted, and he craned his neck. He looked at me expectedly, and he spoke loudly over the gargle and pops of the engine.

"Hop on, Boterbloem."


"So this is your place?" He asked as his eyes glossed over the multiple stories.

I lifted my leg over the motorcycle, effectively hitting him in the back.

"Sorry." I apologized, and he waved me off, "It's fine."

Once I effectively hopped off the bike, I thanked him, "Thank you for taking me home."

Alex shrugged and pulled the kickstand of his bike down and got off his bike, "No problem. Any friend of Zoe's is a friend of mine."

I nodded, letting the silence build between us. "You don't suffer from any lung problems?" He asked, effectively breaking the silence, and I shook my head.

He nodded, quite satisfied with my answer, and whipped out a lighter lighting the cigarette that he searched for in his pocket.

He took a long drag, closing his eyes once he felt the effects of the nicotine burning his airways. He let a sigh of contentment. Or one of relief.

I asked him out of curiosity, "Why do you like smoking?"

Once more, his eyes fluttered open. His eyes glanced towards the multitude of apartments in which I resided, "I smoke to pass time. It makes me forget for a little while."

I moved towards him and leaned against his bike as he continued to inhale another long drag. "You know there's alternative ways-healthly, sustainable options that you can use to cope." I reasoned with him.

I bit my lip anxiously, waiting for his reply. I chastised myself for meddling into his private affairs. Alex wasn't dumb-at least he hasn't shown me that he's incapable of making informed decisions.

I was certain that he is aware of the risks associated with smoking and if he didn't- which I highly doubt. He certainly didn't need me, a complete stranger, telling him the risks or, better yet, how he should live his life.

He shrugged and elaborated, "I know that there's other options, but I like this one better than the other methods that I tried."

Against my better judgment, I pressed further, "Are you addicted?"

He chuckled, a wholehearted kind of chuckle, and he admitted, "Buttercup, I wouldn't be smoking at least three of these a day if I wasn't addicted."

"So, on average, how many cigarettes for you smoke a day?" I asked him, trying not to sound too concerned.

Instead of answering me, he shot me a look of confusion with a hint of playfulness dancing around his irises.

"If I didn't know better. I would think that you want to try your first cigarette." He smiled, "or better yet, with these questions of yours. You want me to quit smoking. Is that about right?"

"No, I was just curious. That's all."

He took one last draw, and he threw it to the ground and stepped on it with his shoe, putting it out.

"Good. Cause the last thing I need is for Zoe to accuse me of 'corrupting' you. You look like a good girl, Buttercup. Don't let my actions corrupt you."

I scoffed whilst playfully rolling my eyes, "We've only interacted like three times. Believe me, your actions have minimal impact on my life."

He nodded, and his next words shocked me , "OK, but how is that you let Max's actions have an impact on your life?"

A/N: I am not entirely satisfied with this chapter, but it's hard to get creative when you're under pressure.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I will publish on Tuesday, but I will try my best.

Lots of love,

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