Chapter Twelve-Slide away

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I looked at Maxwell, who had been anticipating my answer, and so was Christopher. I had remained stoic the entire time, buying myself more time, reminiscing past memories.

Memories that were no longer relevant now.

Things have changed.

Maxwell, who found my silence unnerving, spoke up timidly, "Ellie..."

My eyes shot up to his light green eyes  with a quick glare thrown his way. Christopher saw this, and he, too, unknowingly sucked in a breath.

I cleared my throat, and my voice wavered as I spoke, "Your five minutes were over twenty minutes ago."

I whispered, "I need you to leave."

For the first time, I looked directly into his eyes, and I held his gaze. A mixture of shock and understanding splashed on his face.

Maxwell cleared his throat, putting on his chessy pizza delivery guy cap. Under normal circumstances, I would have made fun of cheesy costum. But I knew that Christopher would no doubtlessly do it.

"Chris," He spoke up, " We should probably head out."

Christopher wordlessly agreed, standing up with Maxwell, and as he passed me, he gave me a side glance.

He was silently asking me to reconsider.

What does Christopher know that I don't?

As Maxwell's hand ghosted over the door handle, I could hear the slight hesitation in his voice, "Ellie, I know that I sprung this on you. But please, " His head shifted sideways to glance at me, "Hear me out?"

I diverted my eyes to the floor, unresponsive to his question.

A few days later

Zoe glanced at het through her lashes. Slurping away at her coffee.

Quite obnoxiously, might I add.

My eyes all but wanted to twitch and give her the meanest glare that I could possibly muster. But I wasn't one to crack easily.

I diverted my attention to the book that had played in front of me. Nonchalantly begging for my attention.

And the plot was just getting good.

"Are you really going to pay more attention to your book than me right now?" Zoe asked, and I glanced at her whilst grabbing my green  tea.

Yep, I'm still on my coffee avoidance kick, and I've still been avoiding Maxwell like the plaque.

It's been approximately five days since we last spoke, and albeit that I had to restart my streak, I was ecstatic.

"What do you want me to say, Zoe?" I hopelessly enquired, knowing full well what was about to happen next.

"Well, I don't know, Ellie, how about telling me what the in the actual f*ck was Max Montgomery and Christopher Collins doing at your place, at around two in the morning?!" She whispered.

Before I could reply, she gasped, "Elliot Winters. Tell me you didn't do what I think you did?!"

Perplexed, my eyebrows furrowed, and I closed my book. With Zoe gaining my full attention.

The plot wasn't that good anyway.

"What do I think I did?" I questioned her while maintaining the stoic demeanor I had adorned this entire time. When in actuality I was freaking out. Zoe is not dumb, not in the slightest, so given enough clues, she could easily piece things together.

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