Chapter Fourteen- Moonlight

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I watched her as she stepped into the ring. Her face was stoic but held a glint of sweat to it.

It looked as if she had warmed up beforehand. Her curly hair was tied into a bun, and she was only dressed in jogger pants and a sports bra. From this angle, I could see the outline of her biceps and abs.

She threw her towel to the ground, and her eyes never once left her opponent.

Her opponent, on the other hand, gave her a once over and smirked. Obviously, he took in her stature and assumed that this would be an easy win.  

Her opponent looked 10 times bigger than she was, but I knew that where she lacked in brute force, she compensated in speed.

As soon as the match began, my phone buzzed in my pocket, tearing my eyes from her. It was Max.

01:02: She okay?

01:03 Define okay.

01:04: Chris, please.

I sighed. He can be so dense sometimes.

01:07: Of course, she wasn't okay. She was crying on her pillow.

01:08: Sh*t. Are you with her now?

The moment I was about to reply, cheers took my attention from my phone. My eyes glanced at the ring. Her opponent lay on the ground with blood pooling from his nose.

Zoe had a triumphant look on her face, but she, too, didn't leave unscathed. Bruises littered her abdomen as scratch marks above her left knee.

She didn't wait to saok up all the praise and respect from her fans, though, cause she walked off the stage.

I noticed that she had a slight limp to her walk.

Before she disappeared to the changing rooms, I made sure to follow her. Even though it was quite dark, my eyes didn't leave her retreating back. Which was covered in grime, sweat, and peppered with a few bruises.

Before I could get any closer to her, though. One of the bouncers got in my way.

Before he could make a sound, I took out a round of cash and handed it to him.

He nodded, and just as I was about to go through, the guy stopped me.

"Dude, what the hell?" I asked him, irritated that he wouldn't let me through.

He mumbled out against the noise, "You think that you're the only one?"

He shrugged, elaborating further, "I like to make extra cash on the side, and creeps like you make it a whole lot easier."

I clenched my jaw and nodded my head. If I were in his position, I would've done the same thing.

I sighed, looking around the guy's tall buff frame that was blocking the entrance hallway.

"I'm not a creep. I know her."

The guy scoffed, "Yeah, sure you are."

"He's not entirely correct, Mike. He knows about me." A voice spoke from the dark corner. She stepped forward, her face becoming more visable, "But he doesn't know me."

"You do this a lot?" I questioned.

"Only when I have fans who have no idea about boundaries."

"I'm not a fan." I declared.

"For some reason, I highly doubt it."

I leaned against her door and waited patiently. The door opened, and she appeared unamused.

"So this is what you do as your past time?Can't say I'm surprised." My lips turned upward in a smirk.

She fluffed her hair up and smiled, "Hope, you enjoyed the show. Unfortunately, I don't do autographs."
I whistled lowly. Gone was the girl who fumbled over her words a few days ago. Huanted by her unrelenting embarrassment.

She rolled her eyes and threw her towel over her shoulder, and started to walk into her bathroom.

Her room had a concrete floor, and the walls were painted a magenta shade. On one side of the walls, there stood a white vanity with chips on the paint. Aside from the vanity, she stood the couch, and it matched her walls.

"You can stop looking around now. There's nothing to see." She said as she stepped out, a towel sat atop of her shoulders.

"You don't seem surprised by the fact that I'm here. Or the fact that I managed to find your dressing room." I commented while putting my hands in my pockets. I looked through my shades, and her normal brown eyes seemed charcoal black.

"You're not hard to miss Chris."

I smirked, pride flooding through my veins. She looked at me up and down, "I mean, you looked lost and desperate. According to some people, that breeds a certain kind of  smell."

I chuckled, "What are we in? A correctional faculty?"

"It feels like it sometimes," She mumbled lowly.

She sighed, "I know what you want. Chris. Just give me a minute."

I clenched my jaw slightly, forgetting about the reason why I even came here.

"Look, I'm sorry that you had to find out the way you did, and I get that you're angry..."

She raised an expectant brow at me, and I continued. "But I- We would appreciate it if you would keep -"

"Shut up about it? Because, what? The girl who moonlights as an underground fighter can't keep secrets as juicy as this one?"

"I just wanted to cover all of my bases."

"Relax, Airhead. I'm Ellie's friend, and she doesn't need any more unnecessary heat from you both." She rolled her eyes.

"Does she know about this?" I asked her, motioning around the room, "Some of it. But she doesn't know the entire story."


The next chapter will be up tomorrow!

Lots of love,

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