Chapter Thirteen- Close

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"You need to fix this, Chris," I stressed while blindly pacing around the room, my muddy shoe prints streaking the carpet. But I didn't care. That could be fixed, or burned, or whatever. But this, I don't know.

Christopher's grey eyes followed every movement I was making. He was careful not to make a sound as he knew it would only add to the stress.

My pacing increased, which only seemed to track more mud on the floor and knowing that only seemed to fuel my anxiety tenfold.

Christopher moved his feet right before my combat boots were to make contact with them.

Quick reflexes.

"We can fix this, Ellie. We will fix this." He affirmed, leaning back on the couch. Chris is used to this kind of attention. There hadn't been a week that passed when he wasn't in some kind of news article.

I shifted towards so fast that I almost gave myself whiplash, "When, Chris?" I chuckled hopelessly, "I'm not used to this kind of thing. I'm a law student, do you know what this could do to my reputation?"

"Oh, God." I said aloud as I thought of all the possible ramifications of this. The more I thought about it, the more my mind spiraled down the dark hole of consequences that were waiting for me.

"Ellie, it's going to be okay. Trust me, I've been through this a couple of times. This will blow over."

I chuckled bitterly, "You don't get it, Chris. You and I are not the same. You can bounce back from this because, well, you're you. But I'm me. Press like this could ruin my career before it's even began." 

I racked my hand through my hair, and Christopher clenched his jaw. He wasn't expecting me to call him out. While I felt an overwhelming amount of guilt pass through my veins.

Christopher was only trying to help, and here I was, using him like a punching bag, instead of coming up with a solution.

"Max and I will fix this." He spoke timidly.

A beat of silence passed between, and I gingerly looked at him.

"I know you will," I admitted, "But I also know that people won't forget about this."

He looked at me, "They never do, Elliot."


Christopher's POV

I stepped out of Elle's apartment. I was more confident about this situation when I crossed those automatic doors, but now, I'm not so sure.

It was midnight now, and I put my shades and hat on. I scoffed into the night. What a pity excuse of a disguise, I would've opted for a trench coat, but Max said it would make me look even more suspicious. Elle didn't need any more heat after today.

I was only wearing a white tee with a pair of light wash jeans with my hair tousled a bit. While Elle was having her first paparazzi meltdown, Allen had been sending me paparazzi updates throughout.

The last message said: 

00:21 Allen: The coast is clear. I estimate you have a fifteen minute window.

I checked the coast once more and walked into the Uber that held the grumpy driver. "Are you sure that you want to go to this place at this time of night?" He asked as he checked my destination. His eyes moved to the rear view mirror.

I nodded, not wanting to speak unnecessarily.

I sighed, thinking about what transpired. I was usually happy to see Ellie, but I would rather forget about this one.

I'm not usually privy to the emotions of the opposite sex but when I heard her stifling her cries in her bedroom. Guilt ran through me. I have to admit that when Elle was first mentioned in the headlines, people didn't care too much.

After all, she was with me.

People thought that she was my flavor of the week and the heat died down.

But now that Max was affiliated with her, the amount of attention that Elle was getting was insurmountable.

It was f*cking sickening.

Every second, it was as if there was another news article that had Ellie's name on it.

I opened my eyes when the car stopped to a hasty halt. I looked over to the driver, who had an expectant look in his eyes.

I opened my wallet, and I paid chucked him 200 dollar tip. The guy was shaking the entire ride over.

I didn't wait for his response as I walked out, and I exhaled.

Was this the place that Allen said she'd be? I'd never picture her here, but then I remembered how raunchy she acted over that party.


I walked towards the bar, my boots cruching the plastic underneath me. My crinkled as my nose caught a wiff of something unpleasant.

I huffed out annoyingly and mentally prepped myself with what I was about to do. Paparazzi barely hung around here, so I knew that I was in the clear.

Checking the coast once more, I stepped onto the bar, the smoke from the industrial mine clouding my vision.

Upon entering the bar, the smell of sweat and blood filled my nose. I walked down the steps as the noise from people's chanting invaded my hearing.

Even though people were too preoccupied with the fight, I kept my shades on. The lights were dimmed, and the bright lights were focused on the ring that was in the center of the building.

But I wasn't going to take any chances. I didn't care if someone recognized me and told the press. It wouldn't be the first time, and it definitely wouldn't be the last, but this I was trying to keep a low profile. For Elle.

Cause I'm sure that if someone got even the slightest wiff of me, then somehow, in the most sickening way possible, they would link  me to Ellie.

Let's not forget that people still speculate that we're still together and that, according to them, I'm currently heartbroken that my best friend betrayed me and took my girl.

And you know how to deal with a broken heart.' You treat it with alcohol and a sh*t ton of it.

I walked towards the bar, passing tables that were filled with drunk men betting on who would win the current match.

I shouted over the noise, "Two shots."

The bartender nodded and handed them to me. While he cut the lemon slices, he remarked, "Hey, you look a lot like Christopher Collins. Have you ever heard of him?"

I downed both shots of tequila, registering the burn in the back of my throat. My face screwed up a bit.

I never liked the taste, but I didn't want to buy whiskey. Whiskey meant conversation, something that took time. And time led to recognition, and I didn't need that right now.

I slammed both drinks on the table that had chips on them, "Never heard of him."

He nodded, taking the glasses away, "You should look -"

I walked away when my eyes landed on a particular female who entered the ring.

I smirked.

Nah, actually, I could picture her here.


Okay! Chapter Thirteen is done!
Not gonna lie, I enjoyed writing in Christopher's POV

Lots of love

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