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The House Atreides has fallen. One of the greatest houses of Arrakis has been wiped out.

A tragedy? Yes. A coincidence? Not at all.

It had been foreseeable that something would happen. In one form or another. At some point in time.

If the Emperor had not given the order in 10191 that the Harkonnen were no longer responsible for monitoring the spice on Arrakis and had to leave the planet, things might have turned out differently.

The inhabitants of Giedi Prime had been responsible for the spice for over eighty years. From now on it was over. No wonder that the leader of the planet, Baron Dmitri Harkonnen, was not happy about this change.

Instead of the Harkonnens, it should be clear who was responsible for the safety of the precious drug from now on. The people of Caladan, the water world.

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