thank you

1.1K 37 3

When I posted the story a little over a week ago, I thought no one would be interested in it. Over 1,000 views for five chapters in such a short space of time is a lot for me. I know others can do this with one chapter in two days, but for me it's a huge amount.

Dune is not the big franchise like Marvel, DC, Star Wars or something like that. Plus, it's not Timothée Chalamet's Paul Atreides that this is about. Feyd-Rautha is not THE character that everyone is dying to read an FF about.
My second thought was that my English won't be good enough because it's "only" my second language and my writing style isn't the best either.
And then there's the question of whether my idea would be liked? You never know. Not until you're about to publish the chapters.

So I can only say thank you.

PS. Chapter 3 is coming tomorrow.

A small spoiler for the future follows below, for those who are interested.

A small spoiler for the future follows below, for those who are interested

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