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Raitaila could talk to Cziza at any time, since the man was currently on Giedi Prime and would not change in the near future

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Raitaila could talk to Cziza at any time, since the man was currently on Giedi Prime and would not change in the near future. Still, maybe she should arrive first and settle in, because Giedi Prime and Kaitain couldn't be more different. If only because of the black sun that shone down on the planet.

An oasis-like planet, green and warm, like Kaitain, in contrast to the dark and cool home of the Harkonnen, where there was hardly any life, be it animal or plant, would be an enormous change.

For those who had never been to Giedi Prime, it would take more than half a day to acclimate.

Therefore, Raitaila should wait until tomorrow. There is no need to rush, she has all the time in the world.

"Ostād." At Raitaila's words, the man cast only a cursory glance over his shoulder and she lowered her head, but the Harkonne immediately turned away to face the one in front of him.

"Princess," Nerdo replied casually, raising the sword in front of him to eye level and examining the silver blade closely.

"Not princess," Cziza was corrected by Raitaila, who walked up to the Harkonnen, pulled a knife from her boot, and deftly twisted it with the fingers of her right hand to hand him the weapon, handle first, " 'If you are here, you are no longer a princess. I don't train princesses. A princess does not fight'. Once you forget to say that, you don't train non-Harkonne.... and women even less. Still, it was an honor for me to call you Ostād."

"It is only once in a while that a princess comes to us and expresses the wish that we teach her how to fight," Nerdo Cziza looked at the knife and slowly reached out his hand to the piece of metal, then examined it between his fingers, "There is half a lifetime in it. What about the wearer?"

"Good," but this answer caused the Harkonne to look directly at Raitaila, holding the blade as she tried to take it back from him, "There are good days and bad days. That's the way life is. There's no reason to complain."

You should never try to make sense of life, it's just a series of days and bad days. In the end, it's all about what we do with what happens. Some people say that the sum of our choices defines our lives. However, it is not our choices that define who we are, but the perseverance with which we adhere to them. It is the value of life that can be directly measured by our perseverance. And that we have the remarkable ability to overcome fatigue, to endure pain, and to keep fighting as long as we do not lose sight of what we are fighting for.

"My favorite pet," a hoarse voice murmured in Raitaila's ear as a hand closed tightly around her larynx from behind and the person stepped very close to her before pushing her head back into his neck.

That had taken a long time.

That had taken a long time

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