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The cold metal of the blade slid almost imperceptibly across Raitaila's skin, and the warm blood slowly ran down her wrist. The edge was so sharp that she didn't feel the cut until the dark liquid reached her elbow, but by then Feyd had already taken her hand and put it to his mouth.

Many people, especially children, shy away from the sight of blood. They don't realize it because they take it for granted that it means family. Loyalty. That it is the essence of life. But despite its value, it is an undeniable fact that blood is often associated with pain. It is a cruel reminder that it can all be taken away in an instant. From now on. In the blink of an eye.

"How does it feel?" Feyd whispered as he kissed Raitaila's bloody hand, paused for a moment and looked at her tense before turning his attention back to her hand, "To take a life?"

"At that moment..." Raitaila began to think, but after a short pause she shook her head barely perceptibly and looked blindly past Feyd, "there was nothing... and after that I didn't care. He was dead. It was..."

".... irrelevant," Raitaila's thought was put to rest by the Harkonnen, "Not a marriage you didn't want anyway. It should certainly be a relief. With marriage comes obligations. You are freed from them."

"Free? Who is truly free in this world," Raitaila chuckled, sitting on the Harkonnen heir's lap with her legs spread, "The witches will see to that."

From father to daughter, brother to sister, mother to child, blood ties can be as unyielding as they are eternal. It is the chosen bonds that light our way. Love conquers hate, loyalty conquers betrayal. But a person's true destiny is only revealed at the end of the journey.

 But a person's true destiny is only revealed at the end of the journey

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I thought I could easily publish a chapter a week, and I did, but I didn't calculate life. I'm doing my best, but it's slow going with a job and a sickly dog. Anything over 20 degrees is hard for her, and with the effects of being in heat, it's not a great combination.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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