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One hour.
And then she's yours.

It had been a long time since Feyd and Raitaila had seen each other for the last time. And as Nerdo said, an hour wouldn't matter. What was an hour compared to a couple of years?

As for the hour with the Harkonnen trainer himself, it passed quickly. So fast that Raitaila didn't even think that Feyd would be waiting for her.

Raitaila never wondered how much Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen had changed in the meantime.

Humans don't change. Never. It is not in the nature of humans, let alone other creatures, to change. They only adapt or evolve. To do otherwise would be to change someone's character, their essence, which is impossible. With animals, it would mean trying to suppress instincts.

So to what extent should a Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen change? A person known for cruelty, bloodlust, uncontrollable rage, a high level of violence, and a complete lack of mercy. Such a person does not and would not change.

It is said that a person who has murdered once could do it a second time.

Another thing the Na Baron was known for. A cold-blooded killer who killed for pure joy and sheer pleasure. No wonder they called him psychotic.

"Princess," one word, but it was enough to make Raitaila jump, not expecting Feyd to intercept, "I heard that Lord Kadjar passed away recently. My sincere condolences for your loss."

"As if that were really the case," Raitaila chuckled, stopping and looking at the Harkonnen, "An incident that could not interest you less, na-Baron."

"It shouldn't be much different for you," Feyd-Rautha replied unimpressed, approaching the brunette very slowly, "considering how you treated your fiancé."

"That's a very different story," Raitaila tilted her head with that, but Feyd lifted her chin as he stood in front of her and ran his hand down her neck, causing her to start swallowing and him to stop and grin, "There's one that's far more interesting."

Namely this one.

Namely this one

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