Chapter - 26

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Author's pov :

Ritika: I'm heading out now. See you later, Kashish.

Kashish: Bye, Ritika.

Rishab: Wait up, Ritika! he runs after her

Abhishek: Let's get back to what we were doing.

Kashish: Okay, you naughty.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, Abhishek had another idea.

Abhishek: How about we stargaze together?

He suggested, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. Kashish's heart fluttered at the romantic proposal.

Kashish: That sounds perfect.

They lay side by side on the soft blanket, their fingers intertwined as they gazed up at the night sky. The stars sparkled like diamonds, casting a magical glow over the scene.

Abhishek: Look at all those stars, Kashish. It's like they're shining just for us.

Kashish: It's beautiful, Abhishek. I could stay here forever.

As they lay there, Abhishek gently squeezed Kashish's hand, a silent gesture of his love and gratitude for the moments they shared.

Abhishek: I'm so grateful for you, Kashish. For your love, your laughter, and all the beautiful moments we share together.

Kashish: And I'm grateful for you too, Abhishek. For being my rock, my support, and my best friend.

Their eyes met in a tender gaze, the warmth of their love enveloping them like a cozy blanket on a chilly night.

As the night deepened, they found themselves drifting off to sleep under the starlit sky, wrapped in each other's arms, their hearts filled with love and contentment.


Next morning 🌅

The soft rays of the morning sun began to filter through the leaves of the trees, casting a warm golden glow over the tranquil garden where Kashish and Abhishek had spent the night. As the gentle breeze danced through the air, it gently stirred them awake from their peaceful slumber.

Kashish stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to the sight of Abhishek beside her, his features softened in the morning light. She couldn't help but smile as she took in the sight of him, feeling a surge of warmth and love fill her heart.

Kashish: gently nudging Abhishek Wake up, sleepyhead. The morning is here.

Abhishek: murmuring in his sleep, his arm instinctively wrapping around Kashish Mmm... Good morning, my love.

Kashish's heart skipped a beat at the endearing term, feeling a rush of affection for Abhishek wash over her.

Kashish: brushing a strand of hair away from Abhishek's forehead Good morning, sweetheart.

Their eyes met in a tender gaze, the soft light of dawn illuminating the love that shone between them. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of each other's presence, they knew that this was where they belonged – together, in the embrace of love.

After reveling in the serene beauty of the morning, Kashish and Abhishek exchanged a tender embrace before reluctantly preparing to leave the garden. They shared a few lingering kisses, savoring the sweetness of their connection before reluctantly parting ways.

Kashish: whispering We should head back to our hostel rooms before anyone sees us.

Abhishek nodded, his gaze lingering on Kashish as if unwilling to let her go. With one last loving glance, they slipped away from the garden, hand in hand, and made their way stealthily towards their respective hostel buildings.

As they approached the entrance, they scanned the area for any signs of prying eyes, careful to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Kashish: gesturing towards her hostel building I'll see you later, okay?

Abhishek: nodding Yeah, I'll message you as soon as I get back to my room.

With a shared smile and a final squeeze of their intertwined hands, they parted ways, each stealing glances over their shoulders as they disappeared into their respective hostel buildings.


As Kashish and Abhishek entered their respective hostel rooms, they were greeted by the curious gazes and playful grins of their friends.

In the girls' hostel room:

Ritika: Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence this morning!

Shreya: teasingly Kashish, did you forget where your room is or did you just miss us too much?

Kashish blushed, trying to conceal the lingering traces of her night under the stars with Abhishek.

Kashish: Oh, you know, just had trouble sleeping last night.

Divya: Trouble sleeping, huh? I think we know the real reason you were out all night!

Kashish's cheeks flushed even deeper as her friends erupted into laughter, their teasing smiles only amplifying her embarrassment.

Meanwhile, in the boys' hostel room:

Harshit: Look who's finally decided to grace us with his presence! Must've been a wild night, eh Abhishek?

Rishab: grinning Yeah, did you get lost on your way back or did you just want to enjoy the stars a little longer?

Abhishek chuckled nervously, trying to play off the implications of his late return.

Abhishek: Oh, you know how it is, just lost track of time.

Tanmay: Lost track of time, my foot! I bet you were out with Kashish, weren't you?

The boys erupted into laughter, their teasing jabs punctuating the playful camaraderie of their friendship.

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