Reader Info

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Name: Y/n Aizawa

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 30 (chronologically), 16

Heigh: 183 (previously), 170

Birthday: (Your birthday)

Hairs: Shoulder length black hair.

Eyes: Black, turn red when you use your quirk

Description: Y/n has an athletic build, bags under his eyes, slight stubble, and a scar under his right eye.

Relative: [Blocked]

Affiliation: Academy UA teacher (formerly), pro-hero: Eraserhead, Night Raven College student.

Hobby: Sleeping, (your hobby)

Powers/skills: quirk: Erasure (working on magic), incredible physical strength, speed and agility, high intelligence, wielding a scarf as a weapon.

Story: [Blocked]

Warning: violence, not canon, grammatical errors, cringe, I don't know what I'm writing, English not my first language, no romance except for the official ships.

A/n: well hi, I know that I wrote that Y/n will be GN, but it just doesn’t fit into my plans, but of course you can change it as you wish.

I hope you enjoy the book).

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