🐈‍⬛Chapter 4🐈‍⬛

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NRC: cafeteria

"Ugh. I can't believe it's supposed to work too." - Ace complained loudly and grumbled while he washed the windows. Your scarf was tightly tied to him, as well as to Grim.
"What did you expect? You two almost burned the statue." - you and Deuce sat at one of the tables and watched them.

"But it's your stinky cat's fault!" - Ace.
"Who did you call stinky?! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here at all!" - Grim furiously threw the rag right at the ginger's head.
"You wanna fig-?! Ack!" - you threw a stone at both of their heads.

"You are like little children."
"Where did you even get these from?" - Ace rubbed the bruised area.
"Do not think about it." - you groaned and rubbed your temples. You were tired of Bakugou's screams, and there was a whole college of the same ones here. Crowley better find your way home quickly...

Muttering something under their breath, they continued to work, but could not help but glance at each other intently. A little while later, you noticed some young guy with large boxes in his hands, and it seemed like he was having problems with them.

"Deuce, I need to go, I'll be back soon. Can you keep an eye on them?" - you asked him.
"Hmm. Yes, I'll try." - he nodded confidently and you threw your scarf over him.

"Here. If something happens, just hold them. Don't try to do tricks, otherwise you'll die of suffocation." - you quickly instructed him and went to the exit, leaving the frightened boy alone.

NRC: interior hallway

"Hey!" - you called out to the guy and he stopped. You moved closer and were able to get a better look at him. He had dark skin, dreadlocks, fuchsia eyes and a top hat.
"Can I help you with anything, little imp?" - he asked you with a businesslike smile.

"I wanted to ask you the same thing. The boxes seem heavy." - you pointed at them.
"Oh, how nice of you to help. I can't help but accept this offer, the boxes really aren't light." - he bent down slightly so you could take one.

"Well, my name is Sam. I'm the owner of the school store." - he introduced himself.
"Y/n Aizawa, first year."

"I noticed an unfamiliar bandage on you, what dorm are you from?"
"Ramshackle, the mirror didn't know where to send me." - you still answered monotonously.
"Oh, I've heard about you. Looks like your cat is putting on quite a show." - he grinned.

Continuing the short dialogue, you came to a small building with a sign "Mister S's Mystery Shop".
"Well, little imp, I can handle the rest myself. But in gratitude for your help, I can give you a small gift." - Sam quickly ran into the store, and just as quickly returned with a small box.

"What is this?"
"These are eye drops, my friends told me that you have problems with dry eyes." - Sam answered in a mysterious tone.

You looked at him suspiciously for a moment before thanking him and turning back.


NRC: cafeteria

"..." - you stood at the entrance and watched as Ace and Deuce got tangled in your scarf and were trying to get out, and Grim sat on the chandelier and laughed at them.

"Ouch!...Hey Y/n! Put away your piece of toilet paper!" - Ace, noticing you, waved his free hand.
"I told you not to try to do tricks with this..." you snorted and walked up to them, within a few seconds they were free and the scarf was on you.

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