CHAPTER 49: The new Partner.

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"A partner?" I look at Tiffany. "Why do I need a partner?"

"You're a composer and a violinist. You have a good voice but your hands are your talent so the next step is working with a singer."

She's typing on her laptop.

"But I have classes, a job, I'm working with the senior class for their graduation number and still I have to prepare for Julliard. How did I get roped into doing another project?" I pack my bag.

"He won the singing portion of the showcase and got first pick and he wanted you for his assignment, he's really good." Tiffany is still not looking up, "it'll add points for Julliard since they work with opera singers all the time."

"Fine but you're telling the senior class I'm no longer doing their entire show. With my schedule, I can only do one number." I check my phone, "shoot I'm late for tutoring but tell them."

"Okay," she types as I rush out of the room.

A partner?

I just gathered the courage to play again because I need to prepare for my Julliard audition, working on another project is pushing it a bit.

I promised myself to slow down since Liam has kept his word and given me space. It's been 3 weeks since spring break ended and we all returned to school where Olivia has apologized and the photo has disappeared.

I guess he wasn't kidding about the IT guys really liking him.

(1 week later)

I bump into someone on my way to my first practice with my partner and I feel coldness spread as the guy curses under his breath.

"My drink," he tosses his cup the same time I say, "my shirt."

Like today wasn't bad enough with Oliver showing up wasted to the tutoring session and disrupting class, now this.

"You owe me—"

"Asshole." I walk away before he can finish.

After trying and failing to remove the stain from my shirt, I walk into the practice room as a message from my brother chimes in.

Lexie: Jess and I broke up.

"Crap," and the bad day continues.

"Look I'm sorry I spilled a drink on you but I grabbed you a sweater," I look up from my phone to find the asshole from earlier.

Kai King.

He is a senior, music major, spring showcase singing portion winner. He is tall, in black skinny jeans, a black shirt with white drawings and black Vans.

His tousled hair is dyed an ombre dark blue color that I admit looks cool and compliments his jawline and lip ring, his fingers are full of rings and his forearm has pen scribbles.

According to Tiffany, he has a voice like an angel but can be a handful. Looking at him, I see she was right about the handful part.

"You," I put my phone on silent and throw my stuff on a chair.

I need a minute.

"Yes, me." He smiles proudly as he hands me the black sweatshirt with the word Cereal Eaters written in light shade of grey.

Wait, I know him.

"You're Kai King?"

I expected a clean-cut nerd not an emo, knock off bad boy with brown eyes that look like honey. He is also the waiter that kept passing me the vodka soda's at Liam's booster party.

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