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After putting Cera to bed and boy did she pass out , you sit on her bed thinking.

Can't Riki just love you and be an uncle? Why does he have to strive for more.

Plus you two are still in school and if he actually wants to legally becoming their parent then that's a whole bunch of legal issues you have to sort out and you know hinseong will not agree.

Riki doesn't have any kid training as well , compared to your ex who you took classes with.

You hear footsteps at the door.

"Babe." Riki speaks.

"Riki." You stand carefully and exit the room almost closing the door all the way and walk past him.

"Cera loves me! Come on!!" he whines, following you.

"I know riki . I know. You know you can still be a father figure without being their father."
You stop behind the couch.
"Mommy what do you want in your smoothie!" Cameron asks standing up coming over to you two . "Surprise me Cameron okay !"

"Okay Mommy!" She goes back to sit in front of the tv.

"Why are you so against it?" He asks betrayed.

"Okay Mommy!"


"I'm kind of against it because we'd have to go to court and I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that."

"Really? We'd have to go to court?" He looks genuinely shocked.

"If you legally want to be their father."

"Man! I didn't know that.." he whispers.

"See riki! There's a million things you don't know! If they pee themselves are you going to be ready to clean it up?"

His disgusted face tells you everything you need to know.

"Because they're still being potty trained. "

"I-ill learn! "

"Are you going to bathe them if I'm not here?"

"Bathe them? I mean yeah?"

"im not even comfortable with that yet. I love you a million percent. But I'm not at that stage with you yet. Not even jay."

"I can fill in any space you need me too!"

"Riki baby you aren't ready to be an actual father and it's okay. They love you as an uncle and I do too! "

"I can't kick it till I try!" He grabs your hands." I can be the man you need. I can be the father they need."

You close your eyes .

"Please. You can't just say no ,you have to let me try."

"Fine riki. Tommorow will be your test day. Ill let you take the lead. I'll bathe the girls after breakfast. And you're in charge of everything else okay?"

He nods. "Thank you!" He hugs you and you hate that. For a 2 month long boyfriend he's trying hard.

"Yeah love you." You peck his cheek.

The next morning. You decided to try to sleep in but of course it didn't work but you just laid in bed.

You notice riki's body was gone out the bed. "Good. He better be getting them breakfast." You stretch.

Meanwhile Riki has the girls sitting in chairs at the table.

"Papa kiwi where's mommy? She cook food for us!" Cera grabs the spoon for the table that riki had places.

Baby Troubles (N.RK)Where stories live. Discover now