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A week later.


Riki runs into the living room, eyes landing on Cera who's staring blankly at the tv.
"Cameron remember what I told you?" "No, I don't remember.." "Stay close to your sisteran catch her incase she falls." Riki sees cera is leaning and scoops her up before she collapses to the floor. "This is the 4th time this week... We need that medicine..." " I wanna have a seashore!" Cameron jumps up and down in excitement. "Cameron Cut it out, this isn't something to joke about." "Wanna hear a story? Once upon a time there were 3 bears that lived in the woods!" "Cameron . Please be quiet."
"Okay...." Cameron pouts.

"Cameron! Let's play outside!" Cera smiles. Riki sets her down. " I don't wanna play outside, I wanna watch tv.." Cameron lays on her back. Riki ruffles cera's hair. The he hovers over Cameron and gives her forehead a kiss. "I Love you Cam. " She giggles before responding. " I love you Papa Ki.... I think."
Riki tries his best to not laugh at loud at her.

Ding Dong. The doorbell went off. "That must be your beautiful mother. " He rushes to the door and opens it.
"Riki i messed up." You spill.
"What do you mean?"
"I decided to join a book club with rich mothers. "
"But that's good isnt it? Also Cera had another episode."
You sigh. "I'm gonna have to cut back on something to afford her medicine I can't keep letting this happen. No riki it's not good they have money i don't and now i'll have to pretend I do." You enter the house laying bags on the kitchen table.
"Plus I have a meeting with social worker to hopefully get more money since Hinseong is in jail."

Riki nods. "I should probably get a job or something?"
"Yes. I would but I'm way too busy with school, and too paranoid to leave my kids for a long time. Especially now I can't because of Cera. AndIt's really demoralizing to have his family put so many resources into mine. They paid for this house for me. "
"Seriously? Wow-"
"Yeah Riki they've done like everything for me and it's embarrassing."
"Embarassing but it's a blessing is it not?"
"You're right... but you know what I did overhead two of the women talking one of them were forcing their son to go to a parenting class."
"Where are you going with this?" he side eyes you.

"You should go Riki! It would help all of us, even if you just learn one thing!"
"W-no no I do not need a parenting class , I'm doing great thank you very much!"

The disgusting sound of vomit catches both of your attention. You and Riki snap your head to behind the couch.
"Cameron what did you eat?"
You bolt over .
"I ate one of Papa's joints mommy-"


"oh my God cam I'm so sorry." Riki pats her back.
She pukes one more time and you and Riki cringe. "It's okay baby let it all out, are you done yet?"
Cameron nods. "I feel better mommy.."
"Okay let's go get you cleaned up while Riki cleans up his mess." You say with an attitude, taking her to the bathroom for a bath. .

"Why are these kids so smart at 4?" He mutters going to get paper towels.

After Cameron's bath you gave her stomach medicine and water. "Drink it all up my sweet baby." You hold the cup for her.
"Mommy I can do it by myself.!" "Oh sorry...' you let go.
You think about Jay's words a week ago. He told you , that you were babying your kids to much and you shouldn't pick them up everywhere they go.
"He doesn't know what he's talking about." You mumble.

Cameron burps and you pat her back.
"I'm tired... I wanna go to sleep now."
"Okay let's go!" You pick her up and take her to her Green bed and tuck her in.

Meanwhile in the living room Riki finishes up his mopping. "That was actually terrible . "
A couple of seconds later you check up on him. " Yeah Riki I'm making you take that class." "Alright maybe I need it a little." He kisses you. " You missed a whole 4 years of parenting you need to catch up and I think you'll catch up really quickly." You stroke the side of his face with a finger . "Am I a better father than your ex?"

"Yes Riki that's not even a question! " You pull him into a hug. "Sometimes I get these feelings that.. I'm the wrong guy." He confess burying his face into the crook of your neck." No never you're the right guy Riki, you're the perfect guy, I wouldn't trade you for anyone."
His arms wrap around your waist comfortably. "Thanks for the reassurance .."
"The girls love you and you're a great guy you're our everything Riki. You're part of this family."
Your boyfriend goes silent, concerning you.

You feel something wet hit your neck. He's crying. "Riki.."

"I love you three so much." Is the only thing he can choke out , just so happy to be in your life, happy to be able to love you and your kids.
He feels a bit disappointed at his earlier reaction to you having kids. He swears he'll make it up to you.

Cera walks over to you two. " Mommy pick me up;" "Cera one second." " Now! Now mommy pick me up!" "I said wait!" You pull away from Riki. And he wipes his eyeline.
"No! Now pick me up now!* She starts screaming.
"Wait Cera don't scream at me!" You snap.

"Come on cer." Riki extends his arms out. "No Riki don't pick her up. We don't demand things from people cer, you say please and if I say no you accept it."
"No? Mommy please pick me up!!"

Riki feels his heart strings being tugged at.
"Yn come on don't do her like that she said please!" Riki whines.
"No. And that's final. If she's gonna scream she's not getting picked up. She can try again another time ."

Cera lays down on the floor, back touching the cold tile.

"Cera get up." You set your hands on your hip.

She starts screaming and spinning herself like a top.

"CERA GET UP." you accidently yell.


You quietly scream into your hands.

"Well I don't want my princess dying." Riki drops down to pick her up into his arms. "Riki-" you cut yourself off , eyes closing.
"Yayy!! Papa kiwi you're my favorite I love you!"
"I love you two princesses!" He pecks her cheek.
"You watch anime cer?"
"What's anime?"

"Riki . We need to talk. Set her down now please."

"But look she stopped screaming! Isn't this good yn? I thought we wanted her to stop! You're just the cutest girl ever!" He baby talks her.

"Fine. I'm going to the back to get some air." You go into your room and grab your smoke kit lunch box.

"Yn! Wait !" He tries to set his daughter down but she starts crying.
"Papa Papa I can't touch the ground! I'll die !"
"die? Who told you something like that!"
"Mommy did!"
"You won't die okay? I need to talk to your mom." He once again lowers her and she forces out cries. "Please papa kiwi. Watch Dora with me!"
"uhh.... What do I do now." He mutters, lost. Now regretting his decision to not listen to you.

He decides his next words. "We can watch Dora for 5 minutes, okay?" "5 minutes? Okay!" Riki brings her to the couch sits with her , turning the channel.

I really should've listened to yn , it's like they have no regard for my ears. Damn my ears hurt.

10 minutes later.

You rub your face with your free hand, sitting in a lawn chair you found on the side of the road. It was going to get thrown away so you took it and it wasn't in bed quality.

"God please give me strength." You tap the edge of your blunt on the chair arm before taking a deep smoke enjoying the light burn in your throat.

You hear grass bring crunched and look to your right. "riki..."
"Hey Yn. Uh I just wanted to apologize for not listening, I thought I knew better but man- I didn't know shit. I had no idea she'd start- screaming like a maniac!!"
You lift your right arm up at him. "Thanks babe." He takes the joint from you to use.
" You can't give in to what they want every time or they won't learn. If they misbehave tell them they can try again later. "

Riki's eyes focus on the stream of smoke in front of him.
"Yeah I got it. So when do those classes start?"

Baby Troubles (N.RK)Where stories live. Discover now