14- Kindergarten

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Warning: not proofread

The morning.

You softly shake Cera. “Wake up~~~ it's time to get ready for school ~~.”

And riki's shaking Cameron awake. “Wake up lil cam !”

After a while the girls wake up yawning.
“Come on you two, let's go bathe while Riki makes breakfast, guess what you two are having for breakfast?” you grin.

They both look at you crazily. “I don't know…” Cameron rubs her eyes. “ Cake?” Cera answers.
“Close! Waffles and syrup! So hurry up and get out of bed!”
Cera quickly gets out of bed stumbling a bit and you help her meanwhile Cameron pulls her cover over he face. “I'm sleepy mommy.” “You can sleep when you get home from school now come on!”
“Okay Mommy, I'm really tired- “ she starts coughing. “Cameron? Are you okay?” “I think I'm sick mommy.” “Really?” she nods.

“Okay cam I'm gonna get the bath started and come back.” You go to their dresser and grab clothes out for the two of them and bring Cera to the bathroom.
Riki gets suspicious and stands by Cameron's bed. “You seriously sick?? How?? None of us are sick? “ She stays quiet.

A couple of minutes pass then you return. “Okay I'm going to help Cera babe first so , Riki make the food and then stay by Cameron.” “Got it babe.”

“It's been a while since you coughed Cameron hasn't it?” riki ‘s lip curves up. And Cameron coughs in that moment. “ cam, be honest with me are you really sick? Do me and y/n have to give you the blueberry medicine?”
“The one that tastes like throw up?”
“yeah that one.”
She shake shed head no.
“So you're not sick.”
“ I am Papa! My stomach hurts!”
Riki changes his position so he kneels at her bed, so they can be eye to eye. His arms lay across her covered legs. “Okay cam I see what's going on. You're nervous. “
“I'm not nervous!!”
“It's okay to be nervous , I get nervous too! Especially when I joke to your mom about dropping her weed- wait wrong example pretend you didn't hear that - I MEANT to say , when I go to my house and my mom asks me about y/n  , I get anxious and my stomach starts hurting. But it's important to find something that makes that feeling disappear, it's okay to be nervous .” He pinches her cheek.

“How do I make it disappear?”
“We need to find out , think about something that makes you really happy.”
“Watching YouTube!”
“Not watching movies with me? Alright noted.” , he mumbles Anyways Yeah watching YouTube, when you get home you can watch YouTube! You can watch movies with me-”
“YouTube sounds really fun!” She laughs.
Riki does his best to not make a face but his eye twitches. “
“And spending time with you and mommy!” She adds.
“Good! Good! And all you have to do is just spend some time away from hus, cera's gonna be right at your side the whole time! And I want you to tell me cool stuff! And tell me about recess and snack time!”

“What's recess?”
“Recess ? Where you play outside?”
“Papa move!!” She yells and Riki backs up . “What? What?”
“I’m ready! “
“Hahaha got you there with recess didn't I?”
“I'm excited for snack time! Will they have waffles?”
“Maybe, I think so.” He nods lying.
“i’m ready to go!!”
“Great!” He ruffles her hair. “Cams with me while I make some easy breakfast!” “I wanna make waffles by myself!”
“We'll ask your mom.”

After cera's bath Cameron was getting bathed and Cera ate breakfast.

“How you feeling cer? You excited? You know Cameron is excited for snack time and recess, where you play outside.”
She shakes her head no.
“Why not?” he asks disappointed.
“I don't wanna be away from you and mommy.”
“I don't want you two to go either but we'll be here at home waiting.”
“ I'll die Papa! I'll die at kindergarten!”

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