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Jimin rolled his eyes as Taehyung stared at Jungkook. The hearts in his eyes were almost visible as he admired his friend while the others teased him. It was no secret that he had a crush on Jungkook since they joined the friend group, and it was no secret that the younger didn't feel the same.

'Earth to Taehyung' Jin waved his hand in the boy's face, making him pout as the others laughed. Except Jimin and Jungkook, who were just focused on their meals.


Jimin raised a brow at his friend while Hoseok stared at him, confused, 'You're really going to ask Kook to be your date to the dance?' Hoseok asked, and Tae smiled, 'everyone needs a date, right?'
'And what about his rejection last year made you think he'll say yes this year?' Jimin leaned on the locker and Hoseok nodded, agreeing with him.

'He's my friend, even if he turns me down, it won't hurt right?'
'You've got to be kidding me' Jimin said running his hands through his hair. Tae soon spotted Jungkook walking towards them with Namjoon, 'hey Kookie' he grinned and Jimin rolled his eyes.
'Hey Tae, what's up?'
'Do you have a date to the dance on Friday?'
'Tae' Jungkook sighed and Hoseok began tapping his feet and looking around, a move he made when he was looking for an escape.
'I was hoping we could go together, as friends'
'Em.... thanks Tae but.... I already have someone'
'Oh' Taehyung frowned and Jimin could feel his heart breaking, 'yeah, I'm sorry'
'It's okay' Tae forced a smile.
'Yoongi!!' Hoseok yelled to get their friend's attention and Yoongi nodded as he walked towards them. Luckily, the distraction worked and they just ignored what had happened.

Well, everyone except for Taehyung who was fake smiling and Jimin who was worried about him.


'Happy valentine!!!!!'
'Fucking hell Taehyung' Jungkook covered his ears as Taehyung sang and danced around him.
'Someone's excited' Jin smiled at the boy and Taehyung grinned, 'oh no, it's about to happen again' Namjoon whispered and Jin raised a brow at him, 'what?'
'Tae is about to get rejected for the 100th time by Jungkook'
'How do you know that?' Yoongi asked and Namjoon nodded towards Jimin who was quietly watching Tae with Jungkook, 'it's always something about Min's expressions' Namjoon said and Hoseok burst into a fit of laughter.

Yoongi turned to look at Tae who was no longer dancing because Jungkook was holding his shoulders. 'Soooooo....' Tae grinned and Jungkook rolled his eyes, 'Taehyung-'
'What are you doing tonight?'
'I'm not going out with you Tae'
'Why not' Taehyung pouted and Jungkook sighed, 'we're not kids anymore Tae, please stop'
'Stop being cute?' The older wiggled his brow and Jungkook scoffed, 'that too'
'He has a date tonight' Hoseok said and Jimin sighed, 'thank you for making this short'
'You're welcome'.

Taehyung frowned at them before turning back to Jungkook, 'well, I got you a present' he said, handing a small bag to Jungkook, who smiled and accepted it, 'thanks' he said, dumping it on the table before running up the stairs.

'Oh baby...' Jimin whispered.


'Drink up baby' Namjoon grinned as Jin frowned, 'no no' Yoongi pointed at his hyung, 'don't make that face that makes your boyfriend always drink for you'
'I thought I was the only one who noticed' Hoseok laughed and Jin stuck out his tongue at them as Namjoon took his shot for him.

'Alright ..... Taehyung your turn'
'Alright' Tae grinned and Hoseok smirked, 'kiss someone in the group, if they refuse you have to drink'.
Jimin frowned at that. They all knew who Taehyung wanted to kiss and they also knew he would be rejected ... again. It had been that way since they were kids.

Taehyung bit down on his lips as he stared at Jungkook who was actually beside him and smiling. He took a deep breath and leaned in, surprised when Jungkook didn't lean back. But his hopes were ruined the moment Jungkook lifted a glass to his lips when he got close enough, 'drink up' the younger winked and Taehyung fell back with a whine.

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