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This is a continuation of the previous chapter (minimoni)


Yoongi pulled Taehyung close as he laid beside him, 'hey baby,' he kissed the boy's head, and Taehyung grinned, 'so Min is really dating now?'
'And you're cool with it being your friend?'
'Well, firstly, I'm dating Namjoon's brother, and secondly, I'm kind of grateful someone can finally tame my lion of a brother.' Yoongi winked, and Taehyung laughed.

He got up to straddle his boyfriend, 'you were really busy today, I thought you'd be free now. The tour is over'
'I'm sorry, baby.' Yoongi caressed the boy's face and placed a hand on his waist, 'I had to put some things together'
'How long is Jungkook staying?' Taehyung asked, and Yoongi smiled, 'he's leaving tomorrow, I didn't want him to drive back to his hotel so late'.

Yoongi raised a brow at the boy who was staring at him, 'What?'
'I missed you.' Tae smiled, and Yoongi hugged him close, 'I missed you too, love'.
Taehyung leaned down and placed a kiss on his boyfriend's lips. It started out as a few pecks but soon became a full on make out session.

Yoongi only realised it was escalating when he felt Tae's hands on the waistband of his shorts, 'Tae...' he called, but the boy didn't pull back from the kiss. Instead, he deepened it.
Yoongi could feel himself getting hard from Taehyung sitting on his dick for so long, but he could also remember clearly the last time, and it still scared him.

'Tae wait..' Yoongi's hands moved from Tae's back to push him back gently, but he didn't move. Instead, he shoved a hand into his boyfriend's shorts and gripped him through his boxers.
'Mmmmm...' Yoongi moaned into the kiss, and Tae smirked, slowly rubbing the man's dick to get him hard enough.

'Taehyu- mmm...' Yoongi's words were continuously interrupted by Tae's lips on his and his hands in his pants. His eyes finally opened when he felt Taehyung's hand get into his boxers.
'Tae, stop!'
Taehyung pulled back, confused at why his boyfriend had gotten mad. Meanwhile, Yoongi was running his hands through his hair as he tried to catch his breath, 'Yoo-'
'Get off,' Yoongi said sternly, 'now'.

Taehyung wasn't sure Yoongi had ever sounded so harsh with him, so he got off his boyfriend and watched him get up and grab a jacket.
'Where are you going?'
'I have some work in my studio'
'But you're done for the day. Did I do something wrong?' Taehyung asked, trying to keep his voice from sounding sad because he was on the verge of tears.
But Yoongi only shook his head and walked out of the room.

After an hour, Taehyung knew Yoongi would not be coming back until he was sure Tae was alseep. It had been his routine for weeks now.
The boy sighed as he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. If Jimin was home, he would have talked to him, but his friend had to date his brother and go live with him.

He smiled at the thought of Jimin finally in a happy relationship, and it made him wonder when his own stopped being so sweet. Did he do something he wasn't aware of? Because Yoongi had refused to touch him since the first drunken attempt.

'You good?' Jungkook asked, startling Taehyung and making him spill his juice all over his shirt. Great, this was Yoongi's shirt. Maybe this time, he would throw him out.
'I'm sorry.' Jungkook ran to him to help him clean up, but he smiled and stopped him, 'it's okay, Kookie, I'm fine'
'What's wrong?'
'Nothing, just got thirsty.' he finally looked at the boy, 'Are you going somewhere?'
'Oh yeah,' Jungkook grinned, 'my friend is having a party tonight. Do you want to come?'
'Not really'
'Oh c'mon Tae, you'll feel better with a little booze and some dancing'.

Taehyung thought about it for a minute. It's not like Yoongi would give him attention tonight, and he was horny and upset. So why not dance with strangers and drink his sadness away.
A smile appeared on his face, 'okay'.

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