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Hoseok bit down on his nails as he watched the dance video on the TV. It was loud, maybe too loud, but he needed the distraction. Whenever he was feeling this way, loud sounds always helped him block out his worries.

He looked up when the video was suddenly turned off. He didn't even notice Yoongi had come out of the room.
'What are you doing, Hobi?' Yoongi asked calmly, but he sounded annoyed.
Hoseok smiled up at him, 'I was bored, so I wanted to watch some videos'
'Do you know how loud that was? I'm trying to sleep Hobi, and I'm too tired for-', Yoongi stopped and took a deep breath. He had never yelled at his boyfriend and didn't want to.
'Can you keep it down? I'm tired, Hobi'
'Yeah... yeah, I'm so sorry.'
'It's fine', Yoongi sighed and walked back into the room.

Hoseok let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding back. He was about to bite his nails again when he stopped. He had to talk about this, Tae always told him to talk about his feelings. But Tae was out of town on a romantic vacation with Jin, and Hoseok really needed to talk.


'Hobi?', Jimin looked surprised when he opened his door and saw Hoseok standing there. It's not like they weren't friends, but they didn't hang out alone most of the time.
'Hi,' Hoseok smiled, 'can I come in?',
'Yeah, sure', Jimin smiled and stepped to the side.

He looked at Hoseok carefully, 'are you okay?'
'You're biting your nails. You only do that when you're nervous'.
Hoseok sighed and put down his hands, 'Is it okay if I talk to you?'
'Yeah, come on,' Jimin smiled and led him to the kitchen, 'wine?'
'Yeah,' Hoseok nodded.
He waited for Jimin to pour the wine and sit beside him at the table.
Jimin stared as the boy began biting his nails again, but instead of saying anything, he calmly took his hand and held it in his own, 'you'll ruin your nails, they're beautiful' Jimin smiled admiring the orange nails.
'Really? I didn't know if they suited me'
'You haven't tried this colour before, did you do it yourself?'
'Yeah,' Hoseok grinned, and Jimin smiled back at him. He knew talking about something else would help him calm down.

He didn't let go of the boy's hand as he looked up at him, 'what's wrong, Hobi?'
'I think Yoongi is going to break up with me'
Jimin's eyes widened, 'What?'
'Yeah, and I think it's sooner than I thought'
'But.... Are you sure? He's crazy about you'
'But all the signs are there' Hoseok frowned and looked down, 'he keeps getting mad at me, he's always tired and not in the mood when he gets home from work and he doesn't like me coming to his office anymore, not even to bring him lunch'
'But Hobi... maybe it's something else, I don't think he wants to leave you'
'No, I'm sure of it, I know the signs'
'How do you know the signs of an upcoming breakup?'
'Because you broke up with me'.

They were both quiet for a while as they stared at each other, 'Hobi-'
'I'm sorry, Min, but it's the same feeling. You got distant, and you always got mad at me, I just... I know what it feels like'.
Jimin sighed, 'but Yoongi isn't me'
'I know'
'Hobi', Jimin leaned forward, still holding Hoseok's hand, 'Yoongi is in love with you, he always says it, I don't think he's just going to stop loving you'

'But you did', Hoseok looked up at Jimin who looked just as sad as he was, 'remember how great we were Min, everyone thought we would get married, Tae even stole his sister's wedding bouquet and gave it to me',
Jimin laughed sadly, 'Yeah... I remember that'
'But things still changed, you stopped loving me'
'I can never stop loving you Hobi, you're beautiful and perfect... I was a mess, I lost my job, I lost all my money... Hobi, I couldn't do anything for us, and I didn't want you to keep living like that. I was always mad and kept taking it out on you'
'That's what I mean, Yoongi has been that way, Min, I already lost you, I don't want to lose him, I love him'.

Jimin smiled and kissed Hoseok's hand, 'then talk to him'
'What if it just quickens the break up?'
'If Yoongi leaves you, he'll regret it for the rest of his life, I know what that feels like. I'm lucky you let me be your friend Hobi, but I miss you,
'I do, I miss your cuddles, your sandwiches, your laughter, your support... I miss your kisses Hobi, I miss the smell of you everytime we hug, and I know if Yoongi is as smart as I think he is, he'll never let any of that go away'.

Hoseok wiped at his eyes with his other hand as Jimin kissed his hand again. Even though they had been broken up for almost 2 years, it was all still fresh in their minds, how amazing they could have been by now.
Jimin had changed in so many ways. He now had a great job and enough money to give Hoseok the life they always wanted.
But that was in the past, Yoongi was Hoseok's present and Hoseok was too in love with him to lose him.
He was also scared to deal with another terrible heartbreak.

'Do you want something to eat?' Jimin smiled finally letting go of Hoseok's hand, 'I made dinner',
'Em... I think so'
'You were too nervous to eat?'
'Yeah' Hoseok grinned as Jimin got up to get the food.
Hoseok joined him, 'that smells amazing'
'Thanks, I tired my best' Jimin turned around and realised Hoseok was right behind him.
The boy was beautiful, so beautiful.
The reason Jimin never hung out with him alone was because he still regretted the break up and if he had the chance, Hoseok would be waking up in his bed again.

Hoseok smiled and stepped backwards, 'let me help'

Hoseok looked through his bag for his keys. He was finally home after a long dinner and a movie with Jimin. He had stayed long enough so he wouldn't think about the break up and it had worked for a while, but now he was home, he realised he was still worried.

He didn't know what was going to happen, but he was prepared. He wouldn't cry... maybe.

He finally unlocked the door and walked in.
Yoongi got up from the couch as soon as he saw his boyfriend, 'fuck Hobi, where have you been?'
Hoseok looked confused, 'I went out for a while'
'Your phone' Yoongi raised the phone and Hoseok realised he had forgotten his phone at home, 'oh'
'Oh?' Yoongi stepped closer to him, 'I almost had a heart attack Hobi, you scared me! Why did you leave? And how can you leave without your phone?'
'I just forgot, I'm sorry'
'Why did you leave?' Yoongi finally calmed down and Hoseok realised he was worried, really worried.
'Why are you worried?'
'Because you're my boyfriend, I thought you were mad at me and trying to punish me'
'I didn't mean to be so harsh before' Yoongi pulled him close, 'I was just so exhausted from work and I shouldn't have been so mean to you'
'I wasn't mad' Hoseok blinked at his boyfriend, 'I just needed to talk'
'Why didn't you talk to me? I didn't want you to leave'.

Hoseok smiled at Yoongi, 'I thought...'
'What is it?' Yoongi asked eagerly and his boyfriend sighed, 'I thought you were mad at me, I was scared you were planning to .... break up'.


'I didn't want to say anything, I was just... scared'
'You've been distant lately'.
Hoseok could see the change in Yoongi's eyes, like he had moved from being worried to being sad, 'oh baby' Yoongi finally closed the gap between them and pulled Hoseok into a kiss.
Hoseok smiled and kissed back. Yoongi couldn't see it, but Hoseok was so relieved.
'Baby' Yoongi finally pulled back but was still holding his boyfriend close, 'I love you, I didn't mean to be distant, I had some issues at work and I've been trying to meet up'
'What happened?'
'One of my employees made me lose a client, it's  a whole thing',
'Then... why did you stop me from bringing you lunch at the office?'
'Because i caught some idiot talking about your ass',
'Yeah, i fired him, but I'm not taking chances', Yoongi kissed his nose, 'I love you so much, I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon, you're my baby forever'.

Hoseok giggled as Yoongi kissed his neck, 'I'm sorry'
'No baby, I'm sorry I made you doubt my feelings for you, I'll make it up to you'
'Okay' Hoseok grinned and Yoongi kissed him again.
His phone suddenly vibrated with a message from Jimin, but the couple didn't pull apart. Yoongi was kissing Hoseok until the younger boy was on his back on the couch and his boyfriend was undressing him.

When Jimin finally got a reply, it was 1am. He smiled at his phone, Hoseok was fine, everything was fine. He sighed and drank from his glass of wine, he was happy Hoseok was finally happy, but it only reminded him how lonely he was.
Maybe he was selfish, but somewhere in his heart, he had wished Hoseok would be single again. Except that he wasn't sure he had another chance.
So he was happy Hoseok was happy.

He was happy.

He was happy...

He was happy?

He sighed loudly and emptied his glass in one gulp.


He was fucking happy.

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