Prologue - Make a Difference

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If you're not interested in a lengthy introduction nor understanding the MC's motivations, feel free to start right at Chapter 1! ♥


During a time of constant conflict, my family fell under the curse of the effects of recent virus outbreaks. We had lived in Raccoon City before it was ravaged by a zombie outbreak, effectively rehoming me and my parents. I was visiting them during that terrible time. Ever since, I have sought to spread my knowledge elsewhere in order to stop such catastrophes from taking place again.

With a degree in virology, I knew it was my perfect time to shine. My parents struggled to find a home and employment, forced to live in a new city. To help them, I did what any reckless, desperate adult would do: I found employment. The sketchy type.

I'm not sure what brought me to this conclusion, but it seemed most rational. A staggeringly high pay for a job that pertains to doing what I love most? I have the opportunity to save so many people and prevent another virus outbreak.

It all began to form when someone replied to a thread I made online asking about virologist jobs that pay good money. They referred me to a company called Tricell. Although it was an odd company to work at, I couldn't find any other place that could hire me and allow me to provide for my family. Regardless, I eagerly accepted this referral. I was to meet at a café a week later for a job interview.


Despite the business of downtown, I found a vacant parking spot along the side of the road that the café resides on. As I pulled into the space, I made sure to check myself in the car mirrors, brushing aside rebellious strands of hair and smoothing out wrinkles in my shirt. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the car, snatching up paperwork required for the interview. I exited out onto the road, circled to the sidewalk, and locked my car. The smooth, burgundy sign next to the door to the café read, "Coffeine," which was the name. Curious. I don't recall hearing about this café before.

When I stepped into the cafe, I was aware of how empty it was. There were very few patrons, and at the table in the middle was the woman I was going to have my interview with. She took note of me and waved me over. Venturing towards her table, I noticed she wore dark grey dress pants and blazer with a black button-up beneath it, complementing her darker colored skin.

As I sat down, I took her outstretched hand and shook it respectfully, offering a small, "Hello, I'm Y/N."

She smiles and releases my hand. "I'm Greta Miller. I'll be interviewing you today, so if you have any questions before we start, let me know," she affirmed. "Oh! That reminds me. Would you care to have a coffee or tea?"

I shook my head, adjusting my position in the chair. "No, that's alright. I had some this morning," I politely refused, smiling. Her smile, albeit unwavering, seemed to flicker with disappointment for a moment. The other patrons shifted as well. 

I simply shrugged this off, and as Greta comfortably sipped her tea, asking coordinated questions and building rapport, we continued through the interview.


"Thank you for this wonderful interview," Greta concluded, setting down her empty teacup. "I think this was the easiest one yet."

"I'm glad to have this opportunity. How long will it be until I receive notice on whether or not I've been accepted?" I inquired, gathering up the papers I displayed to Greta.

"You don't. You're hired!" Greta announced, standing up and planting a hand on the small table. Her other one was outstretched. "We have needed a passionate young scientist such as yourself. And a virologist, nonetheless."

I was elated, and grabbed her hand and shook it, doing it so quick that I had startled myself with my eagerness. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed gratuitously, beaming greatly at her.

"Now," Greta began, releasing my hand abruptly, "you will need to sign this document for legal matters." She tosses the contract carelessly onto the table. 

I tore through it, reading every inch of the document, assuring myself that this is something I will not regret committing to. However, after reading eight of the twenty pages, I folded. Skipping to the last page, I hastily signed it, to which Greta snatched up the contract.

"We'll call you about the location of the lab you will be employed at in a few days," Greta informed me, gathering up her purse and paying the bill for her drinks. 

"Okay. Until next time!" I bowed to Greta politely as she walked out the door. I myself sat down to order a pastry to enjoy, rewarding myself for the successful grab at a job.

Little did I know that the document I had so hastily rushed through would par me against my dreams to make a difference.


Hey, thank you for reading! The prologue starts off short, but other parts will be much longer. Wesker will appear soon!

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