Chapter 7 - Stockholm

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Wesker relieved the pressure he had applied to my chest and stood up. He once again outstretched his hand. Suddenly, I snapped back to reality. That's hot? Why would I ever think something so stupid?

I was reluctant to take his hand considering that he had toyed with me prior, so I instead glared up at him from the ground as a means of erasing the thought that crossed my mind earlier.

Wesker shifted his weight to one foot and remarked, "This isn't another little trick. I really am trying to help you get up."

Reluctantly, I grabbed his hand and he hoisted me to my feet. I rubbed my arms, the feeling of those black tendrils no longer present.

"Y/N," Wesker began to say, which made me look at him. "I am training you to effectively use Uroboros in any given situation. Currently, it is combat and self-defense. As you know, you nearly conjured it effectively when trying to punch me."

I shrugged and nodded, then realized I was still holding his hand. I quickly took mine away and then averted my gaze. Wesker raised an eyebrow at this and eyed me skeptically. "Why would you want that?" I questioned.

Wesker simply crossed his arms and grinned again. "I have a plan for a new world, and since you're the first and successful person within it, I found it suiting for you rule it with me."

Appalled, I shot him a look of discomfort. "Do I even get a choice? What is this 'new world'?"

"I can't tell you that. Also, you do not get a choice," Wesker snickered, walking towards the door to leave the room. "Nevertheless, this spar was to evaluate your ability to conjure and utilize Uroboros. Which--" he turned around and tilted his head, "--clearly needs some more work."

The doors opened for Wesker as he turned back around and left the room. I threw my hands up once he left, frustrated by his judgements and the way he described what I meant to him. I'm a suitable partner in his little fantasy world? As if.

A doctor dashed in and questioned me about any wounds, then promptly requested that I return to my room. Entering the living area I had become so acquainted with and fond of, I flopped onto the bed, oddly drained. I raised my head from the pillow and gazed at my hands while on my stomach, thinking. Then an idea flooded into my head, filling it with a tsunami that I could call a plan. If Wesker was going to train me to use this virus, then once I get strong enough... could I escape? And take him down? I could rush back to the BSAA and get their support. Although I'll be seen as a threat, it's better than being here.

As I formulated the plan, I made sure to add an extra step: emotions. I had the audacity to call this murderer and horrible man "hot." At least, in my mind. Sure, Wesker is fairly dashing, but the fact that someone as wicked and foul as him is charming? I must ensure that I don't have these weird thoughts get in the way. The last thing I want is Stockholm Syndrome.

The plan was simple, yet everything needed to be executed perfectly. I whipped out my journal and wrote using code words and symbols. The plan was called "Pie Recipe" and the "ingredients" were the steps I was taking. Not knowing whether or not somebody looks through my journal, I figured this would be safest. Now, the plan will commence. I can do this. I can kill Albert Wesker with his own weapon.


For several weeks, the routine was simple: doctors examine me and take samples while Wesker trains me and spars. The control of Uroboros was difficult. There was a day in which Wesker explained to me how it works.

"I doubt I'll ever be able to consciously control it," I admitted during a spar where Wesker was going much easier on me, allowing me to get used to the basics. "It just pops out." Frustrated, I sat on the floor and stared at my shoes.

Wesker relaxed from his fighting stance and seemed to think for a moment. Then, he explained, "You have been controlling it. Each time you feel the need to defend or attack, the virus responds." Wesker gestured to my arms. "Remember when I threw that knife at you? Or when you tried punching me for the first time? Think of the feeling you placed upon that area in your body and how you were feeling mentally."

I raised my hands and wiggled my fingers, furrowing my brow as I concentrated intensely. Out of the corner of my vision, I noticed Wesker hiding a bit of a chuckle. Oddly enough, this was enough to irritate me a bit, and I suddenly felt a surge of energy as I imagined socking him in the face. This translated into a burst of tendrils from my arm, writhing and fortifying my muscles. Wesker promptly stopped covering his mouth to hide his laughter and instead stood there, astonished. His shock transformed into a devilish smile, as if he had uncovered a huge discovery.

"I suppose you understand now," Wesker observed. "You're quite quick to learn. I must admit that I admire that about you." Shocked by the compliment, I felt my face feel hot as I blushed from his praise.

I suppose Wesker noticed my blush, and as I quickly tried to look away and pretend to be distracted, I noticed he was much closer now. He walked over to me and crouched down at my level where I sat on the floor. I could feel the hot steam of his breath as he breathed heavily, still exhausted from the spar. We were both silent, but when I tried to open my mouth to speak and change the subject, Wesker's hand brushed against the side of my face.

"You really don't know how incredible this is," he breathed. He wasn't looking at my eyes, but rather at me. My entirety.

"What do you mean?" I managed to stutter, averting eye contact and instead staring at the floor. I leaned back on my hands as far as possible, trying to stay away.

"I never met anybody that I didn't consider... a waste of space." His hand eventually stopped tracing the lines of my face, and his thumb rubbed my chin as his fingers grasped the underside of my jaw.

I forced out a laugh, and my breath caused the hairs around my face to flow with it. "Wow, what a compliment," I joked, trying to look at Wesker now and somehow signal that I wanted whatever he was doing to stop. He wasn't focused on my eyes, nor the message I was sending with them. He had a faraway look as if stuck in a daydream.

"Wesker," I snapped, "the researchers are probably watching right now."

With that, Wesker's eyes focused and he met mine. The orange color within them seemed to pulsate and glow with intensity. "Nobody watches our spars, Y/N," he revealed, removing his hand from my face. Realizing I was holding my breath, I exhaled.

Wesker seemed to notice this, and he leaned closer, our noses brushing. I averted my gaze yet again, feeling very awkward about this exchange. What's gotten into him? Into me? Usually I try to push him away. Yet I'm letting him be.

I wanted to scream. To say something. Yet part of me was fine with this.

Stockholm Syndrome, I reminded myself.

Wesker roughly grabbed my chin this time, forcing me to look at him. "Why aren't you getting defensive now?" he interrogated, an expression I couldn't describe painted on his face. It was infatuation with a tinge of regret.

"I don't know," I confessed, trembling slightly.

Wesker noticed my nervousness and seemed quite amused by this. "You used to be scared of me, then you became rather rebellious," he breathed as he released my chin and tapped his forehead against mine. "Now you seem scared again." I noticed another grin slither across his face. Continuing to look at the floor, I remained motionless. Unable to generate a response from me, Wesker stayed where he was.

"This scenario is just different. And wrong," I finally professed, my heartrate rapidly increasing, the thumping within my chest getting louder.

Wesker exhaled deeply through his nose, the breeze blowing the small hairs on my head and brushing against my face. He finally drew back and stood above me again at a normal distance. He was testing me. Teasing me.

Stockholm Syndrome, my insides screamed at me, begging for this altercation to end. Mustering up the strength, I finally filled the silence between us and murmured, "Is today's training over?"


sorry this one is shorter! just a little spice for you all <3

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