Chapter 3 - This is Hell

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When I woke, I found myself in a concrete cell about seven by seven feet with very little light. The walls and floor were a plain dark grey color due to the age of the concrete. In front of me towered a hulking metal door with a slat at the bottom, with two steel bowls bolted to the floor, ones similar to a dog's. On my left and right were thin slats with thick glass which revealed the people in the cells adjacent to mine.

Remembering that I was knocked out due to brute force, I gingerly felt my head, which I found was bandaged with care. What time was it? God, I don't even know.

After verifying my physical condition and noting the oddly familiar medical gown I now wore, I observed the people stuck in cells next to me. On my right was a woman sat in a corner, knees hugged to her chest, her face buried in them. She was wearing the same gown as me... but I think she was crying. To my left, a person with disgustingly distorted features with tentacles and bone was writhing around their cell aimlessly. They hardly had a humanoid appearance, yet were very much not human.

Realizing I had better chances of communicating with the woman, I called out to her. She peeked up from her knees, eyes puffy from silently sobbing. When she saw my face, hers twisted into anger.

Suddenly, the woman lashed out at the thick glass slate and yelled, "You stupid bitch! You did this to me!" I understood who it was now: Megan.

"Megan, what's going on? What did I do to you?" I cried, backing away from the glass.

"You!" she shouted. "Because you acted stupid and went and broke the contract!" She threw her hands up, exasperated. "Since I was friends with you... they took me, too! My life is ruined!" She went back into her corner, hid her face, and continued to cry.


After several hours, I vaguely heard footsteps approach my direction. They stopped at my door, and when it opened, two men, along with Wesker stood there. He menacingly smiled at me.

"I do hope you've found your cell to be comfortable," Wesker taunted, gesturing to the plain, cold, and awful room I was stuck in.

"Oh, fuck off!" I yelled, gritting my teeth and glaring at his stupid sunglasses. "You're such a dick. You knew you could get free 'lab rats' off of that scummy contract!"

He rolled his eyes and flicked his hand. The two men advanced towards me. I tried to back up but my shoulders collided with the wall behind me. One of them brought out a black cloth and tied it around my head, enshrouding my vision in darkness. I was yanked to my feet, then dragged through the halls. I couldn't see anything, but I occasionally would trip on a crack or flinch from the frigid concrete floor against my bare feet.

"Fucking coward!" I directed this insult towards Wesker, though I wasn't sure whether or not he was walking alongside us. I was given an answer when I heard a slight chuckle escape his lips a few feet in front of me. I bit back more frustratingly fearful insults, triggered by my adrenaline. I knew it was useless.

What scared me most was the fact that the people we had to conduct human experiments on were "death row convicts," yet what's happening to me right now is exactly what they go through. Bare foot, hospital gown, black cloth covering their heads... they could've been anyone. Coworkers who disobeyed the rules or pissed Wesker off. Captured competitors. A person walking on the street. People who knew too much about Tricell.

As the realization came to me, my captors and I halted, and I heard a huge metal door clang shut. Abruptly, I was sat in a cold, cushiony chair that was slightly reclined. I felt restraints tying my wrists and ankles to the chair, and I tried to pry myself from them. Despite my efforts, it was useless, and so I resorted to my last method: vocal. I began to scream, squirm, and thrash wildly, hoping something would work. A palm was pressed against my head, fingers wrapping around the top of it. My head flew back against the cushion of the chair and was pushed here with such an immense force.

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