Chapter 1 - The Boss

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As promised, I was called a few days after my interview about where my workplace was. This is Tricell after all, and everything must be kept "under wraps."

The winding dirt paths my poor small sedan had to traverse were treacherous and confusing--finding the way back would prove to be a difficult task. Yet despite these issues, I reached the facility without taking a wrong turn or veering off-road. Thankfully, I lived close to the workplace, resulting in the time to get there taking about thirty minutes. Although lengthy to some, it was closer than I had imagined.

Once the trees cleared and the morning sun could clearly be seen on the horizon, the huge complex stood before me. The dirt roads gave way to a sleek black asphalt parking lot filled to the brim. There were a few hundred cars already parked and a surprising amount inhabited the VIP spots. Pulling into a far parking spot, I get out and lock my car, traversing to the entrance to the facility.

When I entered the building, I'm greeted by a main entrance where I must clock in and verify my identity. I got by with ease and then took the elevators to one of the floors belowground that was a designated virology branch. Upon arrival, coworkers greeted me, asking my name, the thesis I'm most proud of, and whether or not I have actually developed a virus. After getting to know everyone I would be working with, I began asking my own questions.

"Who's the boss?" I inquired, as I hadn't met him yet.

"Albert Wesker," a girl I had immediately associated with answered confidently. Her name was Megan, and she was going to work closely with me during my stay here. I nod at her response, not knowing who that man was.

I would get to know him very well.


After several days of getting used to my work environment, I actually found that I... really enjoyed it. It wasn't strictly developing viruses or vaccines, but also a few team-building exercises and research papers. I loved research papers. Writing about my favorite subject? Without restrictions? And I'm getting paid? Gladly.

However, one day, our boss finally left his own office to check up on our progress. In the middle of our break, me and Megan were interrupted by our superiors to immediately get back into the lab. Confused, we reluctantly give up our lunches and the break alongside it in order to return. What we found was someone I hadn't met yet.

Megan explained to me that whenever our boss enters, we must act like we're working, regardless of break or not. He was known to be absolutely relentless when it comes to repercussions and strict policies. As we walked to our area in the lab, I glanced over my shoulder towards a group of three coworkers speaking with a man dressed different than us. We all wore white lab coats, goggles, and sterilized gloves. This man wore an all black suit with a black turtleneck underneath, sunglasses, and black gloves. It was clear he was our boss, Albert Wesker. Fascinated by his admittedly absurd sense of fashion, I stared much longer than I had intended to. I mean... who dresses like that?

Wesker nodded and said something indistinctly to one of the coworker he was speaking with when he slowly turned and raised his head to make eye contact with me. Though he had sunglasses, I knew for a fact he noticed my intense staring. Whenever I stare, I tend to furrow my brows and "glare," though I'm just really lost in thought or intrigued by what I'm looking at. I whipped my head back around towards my work in a panic and tried to begin a conversation with Megan next to me, who was preparing a sample. Before I could comprehend what experiment we were beginning, I felt a hand grip my shoulder firmly.

I turn around slowly, afraid any sudden movement may seem too aggressive or agitated. I was more than surprised to see Wesker standing there, towering over me. He glanced over my shoulder at Megan and the sample she prepared for us to take a look at. She made eye contact with Wesker and he dismissed her with a nod. She scampered away quickly.

Turning his attention back to me, Wesker released my shoulder. "I haven't seen you around," he observed, taking a step back, crossing one arm over his body and using the other to stroke his chin. "You must be a new employee."

Realizing I should respond with utmost respect, I struggled to get my words out. "Ah- uh- yes, sir. I'm Y/N, and I hope I can be of great service to you and your team," I stammered, smiling as best as I could.

Wesker simply scoffed, uttering a measly, "Hmph," before dropping his arms, turning around, and strutting away, reconvening with the group of coworkers he was speaking to previously. They all were staring at me with horrified expressions, worried about whether or not I was to receive a punishment. Thankfully, none came.

Megan scurried back towards our station, glancing at Wesker, then me, then Wesker.

"Holy... Shit!" Megan yelled in a hushed whisper, drawing out the "shh" in "shit". "No way he just... Oh my God!" She clasped a hand over her mouth and shook her head, staring at me wide-eyed.

"What? Is he really that awful?" I whispered back, starting to take data on the blood sample before me.

"Yes! He loves to exploit any part of the contract he can!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arm over my shoulders and pulling me in to whisper, making uncomfortable eye contact. "You know... the print on the last page."

"I never got around to reading it," I reply ashamedly, averting my eyes from her intense gaze.

"You what--" Megan blurted this a little bit too loud, and we both glanced behind us to find Wesker staring yet again. "You know what, nevermind. I'll tell you later," she concluded, releasing me from her grasp. "Just stay safe, Y/N." Pressing on the space between her eyebrows with her fingers, I cleverly remarked that Megan had to change and re-sterilize her gloves again. She only looked at me with a worried expression, her eyes causing a pained look, clearly not destressed by my take at a joke.


Without windows, I check the clock regularly, and this time I found that it's time for my shift to end. I stand up from the desk I was hunched over, writing various reports and papers on the strains of viruses we examined today. Stretching my arms and back, I say my goodbyes to coworkers and head upstairs, eager to get home. Once I clocked out, I was heading down the steps that lead to the entrance outside when I was stopped by Albert Wesker. I was taken aback by his presence, but I quickly shifted to the right to avoid shoulder checking him on the staircase. However, he also shifted in the same direction. Thinking this was just one of those awkward miscommunications that I almost constantly encountered throughout school, I shifted to the left. He mirrored this movement.

"Excuse me, sir," I tried to say, smiling.

Wesker simply smirked, then held out his hand, gazing up at me since he was on a lower step. His sunglasses blocked the expression his eyes were creating, but it almost seemed... calculating. "Hello again, Y/N. I hope you have a good night. I was hoping to have you be one of the best on the team."

Pleased with this praise and proper greeting, my smile grew and I gently took his hand, shaking it. He gripped it firmly, almost... too firmly. Noticing my panic, Wesker tightened his grasp, and pulled my arm forward. I nearly fell over by the force of his yank, and he held my arm out far behind him, positioning my ear next to his mouth. As I awkwardly stood, half bent, the drumming of my heart wouldn't slow down. Was he angry? Would I be fired?

Unable to process these thoughts in time, Wesker spoke abruptly with a cold tone, "Don't take my greeting as an assumption of favoritism. Those who abuse my tenderness towards them only fuels my animosity." His words swirled around in my ear, shocking me to my core. "Just because you are a new hire does not mean you are entitled to special privileges. I expect hard work and competent behavior."
I didn't dare move or turn to look at him. My eyes simply remained fixated on an imaginary dot in the distance.

Wesker pushed my arm back forward, allowing me to realign my uncomfortable back and gather my wits. He brushed past me without a word. Simply a meager grunt of frustration escaped his mouth.

I don't know how I looked, but probably really dumb. I just stood there. Shocked. Horrified. My boss already hates me. I plopped on the stairs and craned my neck to look at the sky's gradient of blue to deep red as the sun begins to set.

"What a terrible boss," I painfully joked to myself.


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