Part 2

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As I see backpacks lined up on the wall I head to the locker room to grab my water and head out. As I look to my left I feel eyes on me. Not just any eyes. Her eyes. Angel taps me on my shoulder pulling mr out of my thoughts. "She's staring hard." So I was right? I thought to myself. "I thought so"

We head to the bus and get on. Coach Mulky runs over how she wants the game to go. We get back to the diner and sit down. We have to eat quickly so we have time to get ready.

We sit down and my heart starts to race. What would she think of me? What if I mess up. You know how normal athletes think. But this time it felt different. Felt like I was thinking I was going to mess up for the wrong reasons. Think I'm going to make myself look stupid in front of her. "Madeline!" Hailey says. I see the waiting just staring at me. "I'm sorry, I'll take a Dr.Pepper please." I apologize

I just put my headphones in and listened to my music. I love music. It just takes me somewhere unreal. Kind of like an escape. Even though I didn't have anything to escape from.

We ordered our food and ate. I just had a salad because I don't like a big pregame meal. I was now kind of getting excited to play Paige. Excited to see how she played now. Okay now I'm thinking of her a bit too much.

We get done and go on the bus. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. But I'm ready. As we approach the gym I see fans waiting for us. Along with fans wearing number 5 with Bueckers written on the back.

As everyone starts to exit the bus I see the entrance and now feel a tap on my shoulder. "We got this okay?" Hailey says reassuring me. "Yeah." I say.

We walking through the entrance as we head to the locker room I start to see reporters getting ready for pre game interviews. I had one today.

I put on my warmup shirt and walk out. I see the reporter as she walks up to me. "Hello!" She says "Hey I have an interview right?" I ask. "Yes come sit" she replies with excitement.

"Alright, so how does it feel playing former teammate Paige Bueckers tonight?"

I knew she was going to bring her up.

"Um. I'm pretty excited to play her. We haven't played each other in a while so I'm excited." I say

She continues to ask me questions as I kind of zone out. Then I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I lock eyes with a familiar blonde. I look at her while her piercing blue eyes stare into my stole.

I have to look away right? It feels like I don't want to. But she hasn't yet either?

"Alright that concludes the interview Ms miller! Good luck tonight"


As I get lost in thought Azzi tells me "You okay?" Azzi asks

"Yea I'm good just thinking about the game tonight. I wasn't just thinking about the game.

"Well you know you're going to play good." Azzi encourages me. "Thanks" I say smiling.

It's time to go warmup. As I'm walking out I see her. She beautiful. Her hair falls perfectly. Her jerseys hugs her curves just right. And don't get me started on the muscles. She's in an interview. As I get was in my thoughts I get met with her beautiful hazel eyes.

We kind of just look at each other. Taking each other in. Then she brakes eye contact.


It was time. They start to announce the starting five. The first announce Hailey, Then Angel, and then me. "Number 11 Hailey Van lith." the crowd goes wild. "Number 10 Angel Reese!" She stands and does her handshake. "And last but certainly not least, Number 15 Madeline Miller!! "

As we are going on the court they start announcing their starting 5. "Number 5 Paige Bueckers!!!" Is all I heard. We go on for the tip off.  Angel tips it same Hailey then Hailey passes to me. Then I lock eyes with her again. Her. As she comes just to guard me I  feel a wave of nostalgia hit me. It's like we were in high school again. But I dribble up the court and pass to Angel as she goes for a layup. She misses it and kk gets the rebound. As she's running we follow her up the court for defense. She passes to Nika to pull up for a 3 and it goes in.

As Hailey goes to inbound I watch carefully. Well one person in particular. She's coming up to guard me. Paige is on my back as I lean around to gain access to the ball she passes it to me as Paige tries to block it but misses. I run down to offense as I pull up for the 3. I'm being guarded by her. It's feels like it's just me and her out here on the floor right now. Since she's guarding me so closely I dribble in between my legs and go around her to go up to the hoop for a layup. Then I see Paige and Aaliyah running to guard me then everything went black.

Author speaks

I hope yall in joyed this chapter. I'm sorry for the cutoff once again. I'm having a volleyball tournament this weekend so I will try to update as much as possible. As you can't tell I don't play basketball. 🏀 So please correct me if I'm wrong about terminology of something.

This is a slow burn... I don't like when stories really just into relationships fast so this one will not include that.

I hope yall liked this and please leave comments and vote it means the world to me!


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