Part 12

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It was 12:00. The team decided to go out to get something to eat. We all decided on Chick-fil-A.
Katie left an hour ago. Everyone was acting weird toward me cause of the Katie situation.

"So Paige girl," kk says while eating a French fry "who the hell is Katie" she says popping her neck. The rest of the group replied with "yeah" or "right Paige"

"She on the softball team and we just started hanging out." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"And? Did yall fuck or something cause I didn't know about her before today?" Azzi said looking at me while almost breaking her neck.

"Well at the party she kissed me." I say. Right as I said that Madi legit choked on her chicken nuggets.

"Yall what" Madi said recovering while kk was beating on her back.

"She kissed me." I say again. I started to feel uncomfortable as everyone started whispering. Well Madi didn't she looked, disappointed?
I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I say getting up from my seat. I hear Madi tell the group she's gonna check on me.

"Paige Madison. The night you told me you love or loved me?" She says using her hands when she talks.

"She kissed me Madi I never said I wanted it" I say as I lean against the wall

"So do you even like her?" Madi asks me crossing her arms. Oh my god don't even get me started on the way her muscles flex when she does that. Like I almost started drooling but I had to keep my composure.

"Yea as a friend. She just thinks we're dating" I reply.

"So one, your leading her on which is wrong, two that's not what she thinks, three why the hell was she in your bed, and four why don't you tell her you don't wanna date her?" Madi says

"I don't know Madi. She really likes me and I don't feel the same." I say putting my hands in my pockets

"Well that's for you to figure out" Madi says walking out of the bathroom.

As I'm walking back to the table I receive a glare from Azzi. Azzi knows me and Madi's history. When I sit back down everyone just continues eating and on with their conversation.

The team just lets it go and everyone gets their cars to go home. It is now 1:00 I wanted to go home and shower. Also I took Madi's advice and texted Katie that I just wanted to be friends with her. She hasn't answered yet, I hope she isn't upset.

As I'm getting my clothes I realize I left my phone in the bathroom. As I go to walk in Madi is walking out, as our bodies collide I put my hand on the small of her back to steady her. We just sit there and stare at each other. Her eyes are a unique shade of hazel. Her hair in a low bun as her flyaways stick out. She looks beautiful.

"Hey" she says to me.

"Hi" I say moving my head to the side a little.

"You gonna move or what" she says laughing a little

"I think I'm okay right here I don't know about you." I say removing my hand from her back

"P if you don't move.

"Yes ma'am" I say moving and sticking my hand out. 

Wow that was exhilarating.

*Time jump to when they are on the plane.*

"Nika" I whisper making her jump a little. Madi and Nika were sitting by each other cause their names are the closest, Nika, Madi. Madi was in the bathroom.

"Good god Paige you scared the hell out of me." Nika says putting her hand over her chest.

"Switch seats with me" I say putting my hands together like I was praying.

"Why?" Nika says taking her headphones all the way off.

"Just cause, Nika please" I say begging her.

"Just because I want y'all together." She says grabbing her stuff and moving to where I was sitting.

"Wait- what?" I say turning back around to look at Nika.

"You know what I said. Get yo girl Paige" she says winking at me

"Whatever." I say sitting in the window seat. I remember from USA ball when Madi said she was scared of planes and I want to make this as easy for her as possible.

"Hey N- Paige?" She says sitting down with her AirPods on. She has on the team gear that we wear on travel days.

"Geno said I could sit here today." I said smiling at her.

"Oh okay. Where's Nika?" She say looking around.

"Sitting by Aubrey" I say wiggling my eyebrows. Nika and Aubrey have had a thing for each other for a long time. They both know it I just don't know why they won get together. So I decided to text Nika.


Bro why won't you just ask her out


The same reason you won't ask Madi out

Okay that's fair.

We were about to take off when Madi opened her Computer and started doing some work. I had my headphones on and turned on my playlist.

After about 20 minutes Madi closed her computer and turned away from me. It looked like she was trying to sleep but was uncomfortable.

"You can lay on me if you want" I say softly.

"It's okay Paige." She says turning toward me. Her eyes sparkle when she talks.

"Madi just lay on me." I say

"It sounds to me like you want me to lay on you P." She says lifting one eyebrow up

"Maybe just a little bit." I say looking down at her.

"Fine just don't breathe hard." She says laying her head on my shoulder. After she does that I receive a text from Kk.

W rizz Paige.


Kk shut your mouth she's really tired

Bro just tell her you like her it's so obvious

I just don't know if she feels the same

Oh trust me she does

Authors Note-

I hope yall liked this!!!

I'm so glad South Carolina beat Iowa, I mean I like Caitlin and holy shit is she fine but them refs were shit.

Anyways I'm working on the next chapter rn. And just a warning it might be a bit sad..

Also, how do we feel about the Paige and Madi tensionnnnn.

Anyways, bye guys

-aliceson ⭐️⭐️

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