Part 17

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I've been in my bed for a 2 days now. I missed 3 classes and started falling behind. I have 2 assignments due at midnight and haven't even started on them.

I haven't eaten since yesterday breakfast. This injury has truly crushed me. I'm no stranger to injury but this one, hurts. I just started my season here at UConn and couldn't imagine having to sit and just watch.

My surgery is next week on Tuesday. Today is Sunday. I was nervous for my surgery, but it wouldn't be my first. I tore my other acl in Highschool.

People have been trying to contact me but I haven't answered anyone. That is until I hear a slight knock on my door.

"Come in" I say in a whisper.

"Hey Madi." Azzi says to me. She sits on the end of my bed as I sit up. She turns toward me so she can see my face.

"Hey." I say softly. It's not that I'm ignoring everyone it's just that, I'm just not myself right now. I'm in my head more than anything.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to target or something?" Azzi says. I love Azzi, she's always there for everybody.

"I'm okay." I say sitting up. I really do not feel like going to target.

"Well, I wasn't supposed to tell you this but, Paige is really worried about you." Azzi says in a quiet tone, as if one slight raise in her voice will make me break.

I pull my knees up into my chest. Why would Paige be worried?

"Why would she be worried?" I say looking up at Azzi.

"Come on Madi we're not stupid. We all know y'all like each other." Azzi says tilting her head slightly.

I rest my head on my knees and think. I do like Paige. But it's just the thought if she didn't like me back.

"I do like Paige. But I just don't know how she feels about me." I say shrugging.

"Madi come on now, everyone in this house knows that yall liked each other." Azzi says getting up.  Heading towards the door, she gives me a knowing look.

"Bye Az." I say looking at her then I pull out my phone.

Azzi pov:

I knew this was going to be hard on Madi. And I knew only one person could pull her out of bed. And that was her Kryptonite; Paige. 

Once I walked out of Madi's room, I was met with a face. Not just any face. A certain blonde.

"Did you seriously ease drop the whole time Paige." I say in a whisper.

"Yes. I just needed to see how she was Azzi. She's not talking to anyone." Paige says pleadingly.

"Have you tried talking to her?" I say crossing her arms.

"Maybe I will." She says as she walks to the door.

Paige POV

"Hey pretty girl, how you feeling?" I say leaning against her wall.

"What do you want Paige." Madi tells me.

"Just checking up on you. You haven't came out of your room in a little while." I say walking closer to her.

"Okay." She says looking at her phone again.

"Madi I know this is hard but you can't sit in your bed all day. I'm not going to watch it happen again. This is the same thing you did in high school when you got injured."

"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?" Madi says slightly raising her voice.

"I'm just saying Madi it's not good for you to rot in bed." I say

"You don't get it Paige." Madi says looking at me deeply.

"I don't get it? I had to sit out a whole season with an injury and it crushed me. But I don't get it? Yea okay Madi." I say turning around.

"Paige that's not how I meant it." Madi says sitting up.

"Then how did you mean it Madi?" I say turning back around.

"Paige why are you being a bitch right now?" Madi says to me raising her voice.

"Because Madi, you send me mixed signals and then everyone else is telling me 'you and Madi clearly liked eachother' but then it's crazy cause I love you and I don't even know if you feel the same cause you just shut me out and say shit like that to me?"

"Paige." She says. She stands up putting her weight on one foot so she doesn't put pressure on her other leg.

"Yes?" I say walking a bit closer. I can feel her breath on my skin. I have always wondered what her lips feel like, and maybe, just maybe I was about to find out.

"I love you too." She says wrapping her arms around my neck as we connect our lips.

Authors note-


Sorry for keeping yall waiting for an update but they finally kissed😜😜

Anyways, bye guyssss

I know this is a short chapter but please bare with me at least I updated 😵‍💫


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