Chapter 1

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We laid still in her bed, neither of us dared to move. We met that night in a bar and kissed to get an annoying guy off of me, which led to drunkenly getting a taxi back to her house. She was so beautiful and I knew I recognized her but my brain was too foggy to tell. We stared into each other's eyes after over and hour of- wait, what the hell is that blaring sound?

My eyes flicked open as I looked over to my nightstand. Fuck I was dreaming. I knew that something like that was too good to be true. I groaned, pulling myself out of my bed and groggily walking downstairs to see my roommate, Billie, sitting on our couch with her brother. She turned to me and smiled as she spoke. "Heyyyy look who's finally up!" she called, setting her pencil down. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Empty. For how rich we were, we never went grocery shopping. "Billie, we have no food, can you guys go get some while I shower?" I shouted, walking towards to cabinets. She ignores me but I hear her groan snd stand up, supposedly grabbing her keys. I smile as I walk out of the kitchen, towards the bathroom and opening the door. I close the bathroom door and take my shirt off, before picking my phone up.

You coming out tonight?
I don't know, woke up like 20 minutes ago and I have a lot to get done
You totally should, there's gonna be some pretty girls

I roll my eyes as I set my phone back down and finish stripping before I step into the shower and turn it on. I finish up my shower and get out and check the time on my phone. 01:58PM. So I have to make lunch and dinner and write some stuff before I can go out with Jenna and Billie tonight. I groan as I wrap myself in a towel and head up to my room to get dressed. I pull out a big oversized sweater and some cargo pants out of my closet. I walk over to my dresser and open my drawers. I scan through my underwear and bras before pulling out a plain pair of black boxers. I decide I don't feel like putting a bra on so I just put all of my clothes on and walk back downstairs.

After I've been sitting on the couch, scrolling on my phone for about 30 minutes, Billie comes inside and sets a bunch of grocery bags on the counter. I smile at her and thank her as I walk into the kitchen and dig through the bags. I set aside some bread and jelly and pull some peanut butter out of the cabinet. "You want one?" I ask, showing her my ingredients. "Sure, why not" she says walking out of the kitchen.
(time flash forward)

I pick my phone up and look at the clock. 09:23PM. I sigh and stand up off the couch and head upstairs to my room to put some different clothes on. I had laid out an outfit earlier that consisted of a pink crop top with lacy long sleeves, black jean shorts, a laced black bra, and a matching laced underwear. I picked the underwear half as a joke, but you know, if something happens, it's best to be prepared. I pulled my clothes on and head downstairs where Billie is waiting at the door. "Took you long enough" she rolls her eyes and I flip her off before grabbing my car keys.

We walk outside and both climb into my car. "Call Jenna and ask what club we're going to and when she'll be there" I say, handing Billie my phone. She talks to Jenna and gives me directions to the club we're going to and we pull up about 5 minutes before Jenna. We step out and I hug her as we all head inside together. We head to a back section but just as we're waking past the bar, I lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She has the most mesmerizing blue eyes and the most perfect, shiny blonde hair. Jenna taps me on the shoulder and snaps me back into reality. I turn to her for a second and turn back to the beautiful blonde, but she was gone.
A/N: so, how are we feeling? comment any suggestions, criticism or anything like that. i'm not the greatest writer but i try to be decent. lmk anything you feel i should know, vote and comment please 🙏

~ Xoxo, Eros

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