Chapter 4

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RECAP: I stare down at her, biting my lip as I watch her work her way up. "Enjoying the view?" she teases me, looking up into my eyes. I nod, feeling my face flush a dark red.
She chuckles softly at the color change in my face. She continues kissing up my thighs until she gets to where I need her most and she stands up. I whine in protest as I furrow my eyebrows at her. "Reneé what are you-" I start to say, before getting cut off by her lips on mine. The kiss is frantic, a sense of urgency that says she needs this, WE need this, so badly. She pulls back for a moment to take a breath and positions herself to sit in my lap, legs wrapped around my waist. I pull her back into a deep and passionate kiss, putting my hands on her hips and pulling her impossibly close to me.

We stayed like this for a while before she pulled away and climbed off of my lap, resuming her spot on the floor. She traced shapes with her fingertips along my thighs, making me shudder under her touch. She finally put her hands on the waistband of my underwear as she looked up at me, signaling that she wanted them off. I lifted myself up and allowed her to pull them, and the shorts that were around my ankle, off and toss them across the room. She quickly kissed up my thighs, getting to my center and licking slowly. My breath hitched as she kept her pace consistent.

I move my hands into her hair as I moan out. "R-Reneé please" I stutter, my hands gripping her hair tighter. She speeds up and I gasp, throwing my head back. "O-Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum" I practically scream out. "Cum for me baby" she says against me. I let go of her hair and use my hands to support my weight as I release onto her tongue. She helps me come down from my high and comes up to kiss me.  I pull her into a kiss before flipping her onto her back on the bed. "My turn" I say, smirking.
i'm so sorry for the lack of uploads and a short chapter, severe writers block ✊😔 (ideas and storylines welcome)

~ Xoxo, Eros

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