Chapter 5

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RECAP: I let go of her hair and use my hands to support my weight as I release onto her tongue. She helps me come down from my high and comes up to kiss me. I pull her into a kiss before flipping her onto her back on the bed. "My turn" I say, smirking.
She gasps as her back hits the bed and I pull her back in to kiss her passionately once more. As we kiss, her hands reach my shoulders then move to my back before finally reaching the bottom of my shirt and tugging on it. I pull back to take a breath and pull my shirt over my head, tossing it God knows where. I lean back down and right before I connect our lips again, I put my hands on the waistline of her shorts as I pull on them. She pulls her shirt over her head before maneuvering out from under me to remove her shorts, leaving her in her bra and underwear, before moving back under me. She tangles her hands into my hair as she messily kisses me. I reach down as I rub the insides of her thighs, getting closer to her center. I pull her underwear to the side and run my ring and middle fingers up her folds, slowly and teasingly. I rub circles around her clit while applying little to no pressure.

I finally insert one finger inside of her, pumping as slowly as I could. She pulls away from our kiss to look me in my eyes. "Please, Y/N, I need more" she begged, panting while she spoke. I smirked as I slowly pushed another finger into her but kept my  pace steady. She removed one hand from my hair to grip onto the bedsheets like she was being pulled off of them. I picked up my speed and she moaned loudly as her breathing became more uneven and rapid. "Oh fuck I'm gonna-" she tried to speak before I interrupted her. "Go ahead pretty girl, cum on my fingers." I said, my voice a low whisper against her neck. She cried out as her back arched off the bed and her hands gripped my hair tightly. She panted as I brought her down from her high.

"You did so good for me" I spoke, pulling my fingers out of her and inserting them into my mouth, licking them clean. I put my hand around her throat as I kissed her, letting her taste herself. Her breathing slowed to a steady rhythm as I got off of her and laid down next to her. We laid still in her bed, neither of us dared to move. She was so beautiful, my brain was so foggy from the alcohol and the brain-blasting sex we just had. We stared into each other's eyes after over and hour of the most breath taking, amazing sex I'd ever had.

~ Xoxo Ethan

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