Chapter 6

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RECAP: We laid still in her bed, neither of us dared to move. She was so beautiful, my brain was so foggy from the alcohol and the brain-blasting sex we just had. We stared into each other's eyes after over and hour of the most breath taking, amazing sex I'd ever had.
    My eyes fluttered open slowly, not recognizing where I was at first. I sit up slowly, looking around before my eyes land on a girl next to me. I wrack my mind thinking of the night prior before it hits.

"R-Reneé please"
"Cum for me baby"
"Please, Y/N, I need more"
"Go ahead pretty girl, cum on my fingers."

    My thoughts are interrupted by a soft voice speaking to me. "Sleep well?" the blonde speaks as she sits up next to me. I giggle softly and smile before my expression changes. "Should I go? Like I know we hooked up last night and stuff but I know you probably just wanted a one night stand and you kn-" I rant as she cuts me off with her lips on mine. "It was supposed to be a one-night-stand but if you wanna be friends, that would be great," she grins at me as she finishes her sentence. I give her a small smile in return and nod.

   "I should still get going though, my roommate might be worried," I say, looking around the room for my clothes. She notices me looking for my clothes and leans over the bed to the floor and picks up a shirt and tosses it to me. "Billie Eilish merch?" I say as I try to stifle my laughter. "Oh yeah, I love Billie Eilish, she's one of my favorite artists," she rants as I giggle. "Maybe you should come back home with me," I say, standing up and pulling her shirt over my head and grabbing my own shorts off her floor. She gives me a confused look and raises an eyebrow but stands up and searches for clothes to put on. As I wait for her to get dressed, I pull up my phone to call an Uber, yet I see a load of texts and calls from Billie. I sigh as I text her back.


I chuckle a little as I turn to Reneé and see she's dressed. I smile as I motion for her to follow me outside. As we get outside, I see our Uber waiting for us and I open her door to let her get in and follow behind. I give the driver my address and pull my phone out to scroll social media until we get to my house. I look up from my phone and open my door and rush to the other side to open the door for Reneé to get out. She gives me a small smile as she climbs out. I walk up to the door and push my key in and open it. I step in and look around.

"I'm home!" I call out, moving to the side to let Reneé in and shut the door. I turn around just in time to see Billie walk into the entryway and Renee's jaw hit the floor. "Are you serious?" she turns to me, her mouth still agape. I hold back my laughter as Billie eyes me, waiting for an explanation. She looks down at my shirt and furrows her eyebrows. "It's her shirt" I let out, pointing to Reneé, "Oh yeah, Billie this is Reneé, Reneé this is Billie," Billie looks her up and down. "Is this the girl you went home with last night?" she questions me. "Yes thank you, she told me you were one of her favorite artists and I thought it'd be a great idea to bring her to you" I giggle softly. "Well, nice to meet you, Reneé" Billie says, reaching out to shake her hand.

They make their way into the living room and sit on the couch as they talk about music and their common interests. I smile at their encounter, my eyes fixated on Reneé. For someone I met at a club last night and barely knew, I was transfixed on her. I watched them a little while longer before getting myself some water. I make my way into the living room and sit on the end of the couch closest to Billie. "So how long have you guys known each other?" Reneé asks, pointing between me and Billie. "We met in middle school," I say, shuddering at the image of how we met. "She moved to my school in the middle of the year and knew nobody, she backed up into me in the hallway" Billie chuckled. My face turned red as I recalled the encounter. Reneé smiled at Billie's retelling and I couldn't help but smile at how pretty she was. I really hope I don't fall for her.

~Xoxo, Ethan

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