Chapter 2

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RECAP: We head to a back section but just as we're waking past the bar, I lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She has the most mesmerizing blue eyes and the most perfect, shiny blonde hair. Jenna taps me on the shoulder and snaps me back into reality. I turn to her for a second and turn back to the beautiful blonde, but she was gone.
I look back at Jenna and Billie, who were looking at me with confusion, and shake my head a little and walk in between them. "Are... are you okay?" Jenna laughs a bit, raising her eyebrow. "Yeah man, I'm good, let's keep going" I let out a forced laugh, as they keep walking. My eyes keep wandering to every part of the club, hoping to find her somewhere. Every time my eyes lock onto a blonde, my heart stops and then I realize none of them are her. We finally get to our reserved section at the back and order shots for about 10 minutes before I get up to go to the bathroom.

Billie follows behind me and we finish up what we came to do and I stand in front of the mirror, fixing up my lipstick and mascara. "You look really good tonight, you're definitely going home with someone" Billie says, snickering as we walk out of the bathroom. "We'll see about that" I roll my eyes as we sit back down with Jenna. "Do you think she's going home with someone tonight, Jenna?" Billie says, looking me up and down. Jenna pours us all another round of shots as she nods, hiding a smirk. I scrunch my nose at them and throw the shot back. I shake my head and flip them both off. I'm intoxicated enough, at this point, that I decide to step out on the dance floor.

Billie and Jenna laugh as I stumble my way out and start dancing to the music. After about two songs, some guy comes up behind me and grabs ahold of me. I whip around and he looks down at me. "You wanna come with me? I'll give you a fun time" he says, raising an eyebrow. I look over to where me, Billie, and Jenna were but they're nowhere to be found. Shit. I try to step back but bump into someone. As I turn around to apologize, my heart skips a beat. "Oh shit I'm sorry, I wasn't looking" I say, trying to keep my composure. "No worries baby, you're good," the blonde girl, from the beginning of the night, says, peering around me, "this your boyfriend?" I look back at him and shake my head.

"Some random? Need him off your ass?" she questions. I nod twice, unable to form words. She looks him in the eyes, places one hand around my waist, one on the side of my face, and kisses me. He scrunches up his nose and walks away. She pulls back from me and giggles. "Busy tonight? You should come home with me." she said moving both hands on my hips. "That sounds good" I say, my face turning beet red. We walk passed Billie and Jenna as the blonde drags me by my hand towards the door. "Told you, hand over the money" Billie says, holding her had out towards Jenna. She rolls her eyes as she places a $5 bill into my roommates hand.
WHOAAAA AN UPDATE?😱 hope y'all enjoy this, it's kinda rushed, so sorry😓

~ Xoxo, Eros

In The Night (Reneé Rapp X Reader, GXG)Where stories live. Discover now