Twelve: "QBall"

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"So goodbye yellow brick road

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"So goodbye yellow brick road. Where the dogs of society howl."


"Wait am I going to be in the video?" Luke asks as he rests the end of his pool stick on his foot. Odessa suggested that they shoot a little bit of the video in their 'game' room just for a change of scenery.

"Is the camera pointing at you?" Hallyn stepped around from Odessa's shoulder. Now that she was here Hallyn had her hold the camera.

Luke's face tinted a bright pink shade, "Uhm. Yes."

Hallyn flashed him a huge dimply smile before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, "Then yes you will be. Smart boy."

Quinn watched on in rapt fascination. He couldn't help but notice that his brothers adored her. She treated them like friends and never once went all fan girl on them. They followed her around like puppies and it annoyed the hell out of him.

"Wait, do we all get a kiss if we ask stupid questions?" Jack chimed in from his spot on one of the reclining chairs. He decided he didn't want to be on camera today so he stayed out of the way.

Hallyn shook her head softly before turning to face him, "Only Luke. He's my favorite," she winked at the curly headed boy from over her shoulder. His face got impossibly redder and Quinn laughed at his flustered state.

"Oh that is so not fair," Jack protested. Pointing a finger at his younger brother.

"Awe," she hummed deeply. Quinn felt his jaw clench as the sound tumbled from inside her chest, "Good thing I don't care."

"Can we get this over with? I want to go out on the boat," Brock pleaded. He was standing in the door way with a towel draped over his shoulder. Clearly he had other places to be.

Everyone around them all voiced their agreements. Hallyn's eyes flicked to Quinn's. She was surprised to see that he was already staring at her. His eyebrow was cocked in a questioning manner.

"I will kick you in the dick," she mouthed. He smiled back at her. Eyes hooded in amusement.

Quinn moved to stand next to her. He checked to make sure everyone was distracted before leaning down to whisper in her ear, "You sure talk a lot about my dick for someone who supposedly hates me."

Hallyn shivers as he runs the tip of his finger over the shell of her ear, tucking back a lock of her bangs, "Well we always want what we can't have. Don't we Hughesy."

His lips turned up at the nickname, "You can have it anytime you want it darling."

She turned to look in his eyes. They were standing so close together. He tilted his head so that the tip of his nose lightly grazed hers.

Bad Idea - Q. HughesWhere stories live. Discover now