Twenty Five: "Confess"

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"You've got my devotion

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"You've got my devotion. But man, I can hate you sometimes."


Quinn's POV:

She's sitting next to him in the passenger seat. One leg tucked under the other as she stares out the window in silence. Quinn knows that he put in the work to get her there. They have spent an entire day basking in eachtohers company, not arguing once. She's here now and he doesn't really know what to do next.

Her perfume is wafting through his nose and making his brain all fuzzy. It was prohibiting his ability to come up with a plan to make her stay. He knew that the only reason she was considering leaving was because of him so the responsibility of keeping her here fell on his shoulders.

They were driving slowly down some back roads that would eventually bring them to the house. It was late at night so the roads were bare which gave him the confidence to peak at her from the side of his lashes.

The slope of her nose, the curve of her lips. Her long thick eyelashes that framed huge doe eyes stared out at the road before them. Every single part of her was beautiful. She was breathtaking in a way that he never noticed before. Not only was she beautiful, she was an incredible person. Unlike anyone he was ever met before.

Her presence filled up the entire space of the car, suffocating him without really meaning to. There's no way she could ever truly grasp the hold she had on him.

Quinn knew that she was pulling away from him. He could feel it, he could see it, but he didn't know how to stop it. He needed more time to sort through his feelings.

He knew that he liked her. He like her more than he has ever liked anyone or anything and that scared him to death. Quinn didn't know how to process through that fear. Didn't know how to jump that last hurdle.

It was eating away at him. He had never been one to express himself fully. It had always been easier to coast through life giving everyone the bare minimum. Telling them what they wanted to hear so that he never had to fully dive into what he was feeling.

Quinn was starting to realize that Hallyn wasn't the type of girl to take everything half stride. She wasn't the type to accept his bare minimum. From the minute he first met her she had been larger than life. Stomping through his comfort zone and squishing everything he thought he knew with her loud voice and incredible kindness.

He knew that he wanted her but he wasn't sure he was ready to have her. He wanted to be everything she deserved but he just needed more time. He wanted to be loved by her.

Hallyn Boeser loved with everything she had in her and for someone like him, a love like that could be life changing. It could be exactly what he needed. The missing puzzle piece he had been blindly searching for all his life.

Bad Idea - Q. HughesWhere stories live. Discover now