Seventeen: "Headache"

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"But if I showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me?"

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"But if I showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me?"

LukeHughes added to their story....

~*~*~LukeHughes added to their story

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Tagged: JHugh, Hallie_Boeser


The sun was shining brightly through the curtains in Hallyn's room. She was laying on her stomach, hair sprawled messily across her face. She stared lazily out the window and listened to the waves crashing against the shore.

She was warm and comfortable when a knock sounded at her door. Hallyn groaned softly, "Come in!"

The door popped open and Hallyn was met with an eyeful of curly hair, "Good morning Luke."

"Morning Hallie, Jack's here too," Hallyn laughed as Jack poked his head inside, a crooked smile taking over his sleepy face.

"Everyone else is still asleep and we got bored. Can we join you?" Luke asked from his spot at the door. She could see that they too had just woken up. "Only if you have food," she rolled onto her back and sat up slowly.

Jack pushed the door open further to reveal a basket that they clearly stuffed with random food, "Where did you get that?"

"We made it."

"You made that?


"Can you even cook?

"Does it really matter?" Jack cocked an eyebrow at her. They shared a look before she shook her head no and motioned for them to come inside. The boys cheered quietly before practically skipping into the room and closing the door behind them. Hallyn laughed at their joy and patted the bed next to her.

Jack waisted no time in launching himself onto the space next to the blonde girl, "Oh my god you almost just smacked me in the face with that plate of pancakes."

The brunette boy's face flushed a blushy shade of pink, "Sorry. I got a little too excited and forgot I had all the food."

Everyone laughed at Jack before he settled down and started passing out the food. The three of them cuddled under the blankets. Jack laid on the other side of Hallyn and Luke laid at their feet. The breakfast was spread out on the bed infront of them and they ate as they talked.

Bad Idea - Q. HughesWhere stories live. Discover now