Twenty Eight: "Again"

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"So sweet with a mean streak

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"So sweet with a mean streak. Nearly brought me to my knees."


Q_Hughes added to their story.....

Q_Hughes added to their story

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Something had changed inside of Quinn since last night. Hallyn had been with Odessa all day and he could practically feel the girl thinking. Quinn still had no idea why he asked her to be his girlfriend. It was so completely unexpected on his part.

He did not get into that car expecting to say that but after spending the day with her entire attention on him he realized that he couldn't go another day without making her his.

Laying on his back in the grass Quinn realized that for the first time he wasn't scared to jump into a relationship with someone. Although Hallyn was so deeply threaded into his life he wasn't scared of the possibility of things going wrong.

He didn't care about anything but the blonde he could see at the end of the dock. They had been there for hours. Every once in a while Quinn could hear the girls laugh.

Hallyn was stretched out in a chair, golden skin on display as she laid under the sun. Her bikini made his mouth water and once again he realized he lucky he was.

Quinn would do anything to keep her. They had only been technically dating for 24 hours but already a deep sort of peace had settled in this chest.

He knew she was probably freaking out. It was the reason her and Odessa have been out on those chairs since 5 am. He couldn't quite hear their conversation from where he laid but he basked in the warmth of the sun as Hallyns laughter rang through his ears.


Startling awake, Quinn noticed he accidentally fell asleep. Hallyn was kneeling by his head, her hand was rested softly on his chest.

"Hi baby. Did you decide if saying yes was a bad idea or not?" his smile was lazy, almost teasing as he propped himself up to rest on his elbows. Her eyes tracked the movement. Quinn could tell the jab landed.

Bad Idea - Q. HughesWhere stories live. Discover now