Thirty Six: "Melancholy"

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"You must have seen her

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"You must have seen her. Dancing in the sand. And now she's in me. Always with me. Tiny dancer in my hand."

JHugh added to their story...

~*~*~JHugh added to their story

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Everyone was lying in the sand next to each other. Today was their last full day in Michigan before everyone had to go back home. Back to hockey, jobs, and college.

"I don't want to leave," Ethan complained. He was laying next to Luke with a plate of food resting on his chest.

Hallyn suggested they do a picnic so they have all been at the beach for hours, stuffing their faces with all sorts of food.

"Me either," Odessa responded.

Hallyn was actually really sad that they had to leave tomorrow. Michigan became a second home for her. The lake, the house, the people. She had so many good and bad memories here she couldn't imagine leaving.

She was gonna finagle and invite next summer no matter what happens with Quinn. The place had a piece of her heart and she wasn't going to let it go that easily.

"Let's throw a beach party. One last time before me leave."

Everyone turned to Brock before looking around. It was clear that everyone liked the idea. They decided to stay here until it started getting dark. They had plenty of food to last until the sun began to set. Jack and Trevor volunteered to get more alcohol before people started showing up.

Hallyn smiled at their plans, "For now let's just enjoy our time together."

She leaned back against Quinn's chest. They had been attached at the hip all day. Hallyn couldn't help the thoughts that were running amuck inside her head.

What would happen with them when they left Michigan. They would be going back to Vancouver and their jobs.

Hallyn knew what happened last time. Quinn was stressed with his first season of captain. On the outside he took everything in stride but on the inside he was a wreck. He took his frustrations out of her and she couldn't go through that again.

Maybe now that they were in a relationship Quinn would talk to her. Communication in a relationship was incredibly important.

Either way Hallyn knew they would have to have a serious conversation. She was scared of the possibility that this was all just a summer fling.

Just something to pass the time until the new season started. She was terrified to think that he was only using her as something temporary. The things Hallyn felt for him were anything but temporary.

"What's going on, I can practically feel your gears turning." Quinn tapped a finger on her forehead. He was looking down at her with a curious expression.

"I'm just thinking about life after Michigan."

Quinn swallowed. Hallyn watched his adam's apple bob and the motion had her stomach turning. Did he feel the same way? Was he gearing up to let her down gently?

He made her turn around so that she was facing him. "I don't know what's exactly going to happen but I'll tell you right now. I'm in this for a long run. This isn't just some summer fling."

Hallyn leaned forward and kissed him gently. She pulled back with a soft smile, "Me too."

"Whatever happens we will get through it. Please don't worry that pretty head of yours."

Quinn kissed her once more before helped her settle back into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her   shoulders, he cupped her boob with on hand.

She slapped him softly. Quinn shot her a panty dropping wink before getting swept up into a conversation with Luke.

His words circled through her head. She felt relieved to hear that he was in it for longer than the summer.  It relaxed her to know he felt the same.

They would still have a conversation about it. Figure out where exactly they wanted to go in order to be on the same page.

For right now, with the sun warming her skin. The laughter of her favorite people ringing through her ears Hallyn was incredibly happy.

She wished she could bottle up this moment. All the sounds, smells, and feelings. She wanted to remember it forever.

Looking around at everyone's sun burnt and smiling faces she allowed herself to believe that everything would be alright.


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