Months That Passed

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Amber POV
Months. A long time that could pass in a very short period. But yet, I found myself enjoying the peace and overall tranquility of the world as I sat beside the group of nine chattering lively beside me. And as I stared at each and every one of them, I thought about how much our lives had changed since I first met Fang.

Fang had fallen in love with Janet, and later ended up marrying her—just like Edgar did Colette and Leon, Jessie. He had even become the owner of Brawlywood—with Janet becoming the head of the Stunt Show. Bibi and Sandy had become a couple—and Bibi had found out the truth about her mother, even reuniting with her after so many years. Maruca had now joined their happy group, becoming a close friend of everyone in it.

As for me? I was content being the bodyguard of the whole group—even if Gisela, Anna and the lightning-guy hadn't attacked in five months. I still had my fun at my Mexican Entertainment show, of course—I would never give that up. My new friends (and charges) were always there to cheer me on, and the positivity just made me all warm inside. But one piece was still missing from the jigsaw of my life.

I was still missing the perfect one. But I knew that I would find him—somewhere, sometime, someday.

??? POV
"Ok, the plan is ready," a deep voice whispered—but in the cave it sounded more like a booming clap of thunder. The static crackled in the air, which had to be some dramatic effect of the other man as he demanded, "Are you sure?"

A slightly nasal, female voice dismissed him, "Stop complaining, idiot. And wind-boy, stop making those weird breezes. It's getting chilly in here."

"Could you stop complaining?" the deep male voice snapped, sending a cyclone whirling around us. "Not like you're doing anything, 'Ice Queen'!"

"Excuse moi?" the female demanded, her voice full of hate and disgust. Hoarfrost crackled across my coat, and the stalactites above us creaked with the sound of impending, icy doom. I rolled my eyes in frustration—this trio, full of dramatics. But for now, we had a common goal.

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