Round Two

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Amber POV
"Ok, so everyone clear on the plan?" I asked one last time.

"Yep!" Leon confirmed, his voice taking on a darker tone. "The next time we see those fools, they're going to regret that they ever messed with us."

Everyone tucked one of the contraptions into their pocket, as well as a number of knifes and smoke bombs just in case. And so the days went by until, inevitably, it was the day of another battle.

We had just left Sakura Spike's and were strolling around in a mostly deserted park when another chill frosted the air. "They're coming!" I whispered to everyone. "Get ready."

"Well, well, well," Trix's voice sneered. A blast of wind raced around us, mixing with chilly weather that had to be Gisela and Anna's doing. Maruca growled, "Show yourself, fools!" as she conjured a force field around us.

"Oh, but we really shouldn't," Gisela's voice cackled from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

I snarled, "—"

"Whatcha gonna do, flame girl?" Bolt interrupted from somewhere in the mist. "Unleash some Everblaze? And you, frosty boy, don't think I don't see you there."

Lou had frosted the floor around us, but the villains must have been levitating because no ice cracked, no telltale winds of slipping rang out and no growls resounded around the clearing.

"Go!" Leon suddenly shouted, unleashing an explosion of smoke bombs. Purple flames lit up around me as some of my companions activated their Hypercharges; whereas Maruca's force fields glowed the brightest among the smoke.

"Jet pack, Aerial View!" Janet yelled from somewhere in the mist and smoke, rising high above. Soon, we spotted the four villains up in the sky, growling in frustration. They plummeted down and landed with a thud, readying their powers immediately. Gisela sprinted towards us, conjuring a huge sphere of ice and smashing it towards us. Blow after blow whizzed past or collapsed to the floor, melted by my flames. Finally, the villain was close enough for me to trap.

I whipped out the Shielder, pressing the red button speedily. A force field was ejected out of the gun-like weapon, encasing Gisela in a bright dome of energy. Before she knew what was happening, she had already been trapped.

Snarling noises resounded from the dome of energy as I turned to see how the others had fared. Anna, too, was stuck under a completely frozen cage, while Maruca was struggling to hold her own against Bolt. Each time her force field sparked to life, it was unraveled seconds late by Bolt. He, too, had sweat trickling down his brow as he fought furiously. Worst of all, Trix was hovering high above, dodging the flying force fields neatly.

I joined in the battle, firing and retracting all my force fields at him. But Jessie poked my shoulder as she informed me, "Keep it up, Leon's trying to sneak towards Trix!"

Sure enough, the chameleon-hoodied was speeding along behind Trix, and he raised his silver-nozzled weapon at the unknowing Guster, firing the energy towards him. With a yelp, Trix tumbled down, barely managing to blast himself up before the force field slammed against the ground with a crash. He pounded on its interior walls furiously, glaring at Leon all the while.

Meanwhile, Bolt was still fighting with Maruca, but soon the battle ended as all of us launched layer after layer of force field at him simultaneously. Soon, he was trapped in a dome ten times thicker than the others, his breathing laboured and his eyes tired.

"Time to go to jail, you villains," Maruca said, waving the force fields along. They spun so fast that the four of them seemed nauseated, groaning all the while.

"Not so fast," an unfamiliar voice rang out. The darkness around us seemed to melt away, revealing a black-hooded figure. With one click, the shadows around us raced towards the force field, battering against them powerfully.

"Stop," Maruca ordered. "Or I'll do this." She too, snapped her fingers, tightening the force fields that had captured the villains. Oddly enough, they didn't look all that worried—except for Bolt.

The man, who must have been a Shade, laughed a hollow laugh as he countered, "Do you really think it matters?" With his words, the shadows finally broke through. Tearing through the force fields and releasing Gisela, Anna and Trix.

"I got your message," he called to Trix. "Looks like I had to stop the scheming, huh?"

Trix rolled his eyes and said, "Let's deal with these do-gooders first, and get back the Astrakinetic. Then we'll talk, Dusk."

"Dusk?" Janet's eyes had widened with fear, eliciting a cackle from the Shade. "That's right, girl. It's me!"

Dusk threw back his hood, only to reveal a handsome, blond boy who looked like a movie star. His dazzling smile didn't match his evil actions, instead making it more confusing than ever. His ice blue eyes twinkled, shining like glimmering frost as they focused on Janet, asking, "Happy to see me, Janet?"

"How do you know this guy?" Fang questioned, narrowing his eyes at Dusk. He had leaped into a defensive position after reinforcing Bolt's shield a number more times.

The shadows seemed to shift ominously as Dusk grinned beautifully. After a long, dramatic pause, the blond bitch answered, "What did you expect? I'm her high school ex-boyfriend."

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