Talk To Me : Part One (Unless You Want It To Be)

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Amber POV
"So...what's this about?" Lou dragged out the words—probably because I had been standing there for a minute, just completely unmoving and extremely red.

"Well...Lou, there's something I need to tell you," I channeled my shreds of bravery into my words.

"Is everything okay?" Lou asked me, his voice dripping with care and concern.

I wanted to shout, Yeah, you're too cute! But I knew that would end very awkwardly, so I decided to stick to the safer option. Best to test the water first, before I plunged into the ocean.

I stuck with, "Well, let's sit down first, I guess."

Lou complied, taking a seat in the green grass, under the autumn tree and glancing around the garden.

"This garden is beautiful," he marvelled.

"Jessie says Fang's one is even nicer," I found the courage to pipe up.

Lou took it as a sign—one of his best social qualities, I couldn't help thinking—and prompted, "What was this big thing you wanted to tell me about, Amber?"

I lost all my words again—except for the voices in my mind. Do it now, Amber, I urged myself. There'll never be a better time to do this.

I just couldn't help noticing how stylish Lou looked with those leaves scattered around him, eyes wide and warm, sprawled against the back of a tree—just like I couldn't help noticing how good he smelled. A bit citrusy and sweet—the perfect blend of refreshing and tastefulness.

Okay, I encouraged myself as I brought my eyes to look at his. And, wow, it was like staring down a hundred handsome guys at once—all packed into one. I stammered softly, "Lou, I'm really grateful for your help earlier. Without you, I'd be gone by now. And that incident has help me realised something."

Lou looked at me with bright, curious eyes, spurring me to continue, "Feelings have always been complicated for me—and now most of all. There's a new mix of emotions I feel every time I see you, and I don't know what to do. But if you want to, we can figure it out together. And even if you don't, I'll still remain your close friend and be there to help you. I just need you to know that my feelings will definitely take some time to resolve themselves, so it may take me a while to truly see you as just a friend, and nothing more, again. Unless you want it to be different."

Whoa! I did it...and now my heart was palpitating at record speed, drumming so hard against my chest I wanted to faint. My head spun, I broke out in cold sweat—and most of all, the embarrassment surged back with powerful vengeance.

At least until Lou whispered, "Amber?"

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