Let The Battle Begin

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Amber POV
Just as our cheerful group exited the restaurant, a dark storm enveloped the whole surroundings, causing our vision to cloud.

"What's going on? I can't see anything!" I shouted into the fog.

"You're not supposed to," an unfamiliar voice answered, cackling as a powerful storm sent us tumbling backwards.

"Jetpack, aerial view!" Janet shouted from somewhere in the mist. Her figure rose into the air, and as she used her powers to grant us vision, we gasped almost simultaneously.

"That's right. You're not getting rid of us that easily," Gisela's all-too-familiar voice said sickeningly.

"Well, you wanna play games?" Leon shouted as the fog cleared. "We can play! Smoke Bomb!"

A dark cloud exploded in the clearing, leaving the villains hacking and coughing. But another chilly breeze puffed the smoke away, leaving us scratching our heads in confusion. We huddled together in Maruca's force field, wondering, "How are they doing that? They've only got two Cryokinetics and an Astrakinetic! How are they manipulating the wind?"

"That's because of me, fools," a dark voice chimed from above.

"No! It can't be!" Colette gasped, stumbling back.

"Oh, yes it is," replied the voice. "It's me. Trix."

Trix blasted down to join Gisela, Anna and Bolt, taunting, "Cowards, aren't you? Don't even dare to drop your force field, do you?"

"Oh, we very well do!" Maruca snarled, letting the dome of energy vanish. Immediately, electricity crackled in the air, arcing towards Maruca, who batted it away with a sphere of her force field energy. Trix trained his eyes on Colette and Edgar, while Anna focused on Fang and Janet and Gisela turned to us.

"Well, well, look at that sewer slug with her robo-dog!" Gisela laughed as she sent spheres of ice flying towards us. I snarled, igniting an inferno of Everblaze that raged towards the ice-girl. She darted away and encased it in a block of ice, letting the flames eat away at it from the inside.

"Stop this madness, Gisela!" Leon shouted, hurling a barrage of shuriken to deflect her hailstorm, matched with Jessie's energy bolts and Scrappy's powerful shots. I sent a long tongue of flame curving towards the evil woman, singeing Bolt in the process. He leaped up and gasped, shaking with fury. Maruca took the opportunity to trap him under a dome of energy, but it unraveled after a minute or so, torn apart by Bolt's powers. As she struggled to hold her own against the lightning, I glanced at the rest. Colette was sending a storm of arrows towards Trix as Edgar leaped on to him numerous times, only to get blasted away. Fang had sent an explosion of popcorn spiralling around him, driving Anna away from Janet, who was crouched on the floor.

Turning my attention back to Gisela, I called, "Looks like you've been training. But you're still no match for me."

With my last words, lava erupted around us, raining on the shrieking Gisela. She attempted to shield herself with an icy dome, but the lava burnt through it and splattered onto her coat. Burns were now very visible cross her body, and her hair was a mess. But Leon and Jessie too had scrapes, cuts and bruises; it was time to end this once and for all.

I was readying another inferno when a purple glow to my right indicated the next phase of Fang's plan. "Dragon Kick!" he roared, dashing towards the four villains. They gasped and darted away, only for Colette, Edgar, Jessie and Leon to activate their Hypercharges as well. A grunt slipped from Bolt's lips as he collapsed on the floor, with Gisela and Anna following him. But Trix was still resisting ferociously, and as he sent a cyclone towards us, we were all whipped into the storm.

Bolt, Gisela and Anna, who had regained their strength, cackled at the sight of us whirling around in Trix's tornado. "Time to get some punishment now!" Bolt said evilly, whipping out a foot-long blade, while the rest readied other weapons. My vision focused on the triple-barrel shotgun in Trix's hand, and my mind connected it to Bull. Just days earlier, a notice had come out outside Bull's diner that was asking whether anyone had saw his missing shotgun.

As if he was reading my mind, Trix asked, "Being a bodyguard isn't easy, is it?" , his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "There's more to it than setting a pathetic fire—there are many clues you fools have missed!"

"No one attacks my customers!" a new voice roared. "Slushie Storm!"

A wave of purplish ice slammed into the villains, stunning them and tossing them towards the icy mountain-caps that rose up far in the distance. "You're welcome," the teenage boy said as he conjured a mound of snow to cushion our landing.

"Lou?" I asked in shock.

Amber x Lou : Let it BurnWhere stories live. Discover now