Plans and Plans Again

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Anna POV
The crackle of melting ice and freezing, stinging winds whipped around us, our capes glinting with snow and frost. Bolt had been buried in a snowdrift, Gisela had plunged headfirst into a mound and Trix was lying flat on his back.

For me? I had steadied my landing already, given that I was the most powerful of those ridiculous idiots. But for now, I would keep them around, because they each held some value—albeit very minimal ones. Once I was done with them, and got rid of that Stunt Show girl, I would finally get Fang back.

"Get up, fools," I snarled, whirling the snow far away. "I still can't believe we lost that battle."

"It was because of that ridiculous Cryokinetic!" Bolt complained as he pushed himself up. "You said that they were alone! And Gisela, you were supposed to be able to take care of that Lou boy!"

"Seriously?" Gisela snapped, her voice dripping with venom. "I already had to deal with that troublesome flame-girl, the builder girl and the robot-dog! You were just fighting that stupid force field idiot—why couldn't you deal with him?"

Bolt opened his mouth to reply, but was drowned out by the roar of Trix's winds. "Silence, idiots. We need to come up with another plan—and a better one this time," he instructed. With that, his winds whisked us into the night, sending us soaring far away, to the cave of our refuge. And as we flew, I made a silent oath that I would get Fang back, no matter what.

Amber POV
Bibi and Sandy had just been filled in on what happened, and now that we were ready, I slammed a large sketch paper onto the table, which was dotted with names. "Ok, time to form a plan for our next showdown."

My eyes focused on the four names of our enemies: Gisela, Anna, Bolt and Trix. We now had to figure out how each of us could neutralise their various abilities—and how we could trap them for long enough to successfully capture them forever.

"For Gisela, she's going to come after Jessie," I drew a connecting line between the two. "And since she controls ice, I'll deal with her with my flames. So Jessie and I will capture Gisela."

Lou took the pencil, connecting his own name to Anna. He explained, "I'm stronger than Anna, so I'll help to deal with her. And since she'll come after Janet, she can help me too."

Bibi added a line between herself and Trix, then another between Trix and Leon. "With my long-ranged bubbles, Trix will lose his concentration and perhaps get trapped inside one of them." She hurled a bubble at a table and clicked her fingers, letting the bubble encase the table in a shell. She poked it numerous times and said, "My bubble can hold him for a while, long enough to capture him by other means. And Leon's invisibility will be useful to fight this Guster, especially since Trix won't see him coming and therefore let his guard down."

Lastly, Fang drew a connection between him and Bolt, and yet another one between Bolt and Edgar. "His shockwaves won't be enough to stun us since we have higher resistance. And he attacks slowly, with clumsy reflexes—we can use that to conquer him. And with our Hypercharged State, we can help you guys to take down the rest if you're struggling."

Sandy added, "I'll use my Sandstorm to hide us, and pair it with my Healing Winds to help us keep fighting for a longer time. This way we have a better chance of winning. Though I'm not sure whether Trix can part my sandstorm, so we'll experiment first."

All eyes turned to Maruca, who murmured thoughtfully, "With my force fields, I can capture our enemies. But the problem is that I won't be fast enough to get all of them, and we'll probably need my force field to defend ourselves. I have a limit of up to three force fields at once, if not my concentration will break and the shields will become flickers and vulnerable. So we may need to have backup means to trap them as well."

"Actually, I know a Technopath who can help us," Jessie piped up. And before she explained who it was, I already knew, my eyes locking with Jessie's.

"Pam," she declared eventually.

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