The First Spark : Part One (Capture)

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Amber POV
I growled at the person behind me. I couldn't tell who it was, but I sure wanted to kill them right now.

"Make another move and I'll kill her," Gisela's voice warned. So it had to be Gisela. Well, she was going to regret her life decisions.

"That includes you too, fire girl," Gisela's grip tightened as a tiny spark appeared in my hand. This wasn't going to work. I had to think of some other plan to escape.

"Now, all of you, surrender to the respective person. And Psionipath girl, break down that shield right now," Gisela ordered, dragging me along. I tried struggling, but it was no use. Gisela had frosted bonds around my wrists, and her grip was like iron. I just hoped I could think of something before we failed.

Maruca had collapsed on the ground, Dusk looming over her. With uncertainty in his voice, he murmured, "Gisela, this girl is unstable. We need her with full concentration or she can't break that shield."

A snarl of frustration echoed from Anna as she dismissed, "Make sure it's quick. The rest of you, you're coming with me."

"Never," Leon growled.

"Do you really think you have a choice?" Anna snapped back. "Come with me, or I'll get one of them to kill you."

"You can try," Leon countered. "But you can't." With his last words, a plume of smoke exploded everywhere, leaving everyone hacking and coughing. Footsteps paced nearby, but I couldn't tell who it was through the smoke. A gust of wind sent the clouds of smoke flying away, this time revealing Dusk with a knife against Leon's throat.

"I'm only sparing you for Gisela," Dusk snarled. "But that doesn't mean I can't torture you in other ways." A long stream of black buried itself in Leon's skin, who screamed in agony.

Dusk smiled savagely, aiming towards Jessie this time. "One more move, and I'll hit somewhere very inconvenient and very painful for her," he told Leon. The chameleon-hoodied boy fell slack, not bothering to resist anymore. His love for Jessie stopped him from doing anything that could harm her.

He's being a good boyfriend, I thought. But that isn't exactly helping. And Maruca looks like she's about to faint. I sure hope we can get out of this...

"Don't you dare touch her!" another voice roared. Leon grinned and snapped his fingers, sending a plume of smoke away. It parted to reveal a familiar figure.


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