Chapter 2 - The Miraculous

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"Its time." Wang Fu, the guardian of the miraculous glanced over at his inconspicuous gramophone. He walked over, placing both his thumbs on the glowing red eyes of the dragon engravings. A plague opened up revealing a set of nine gold buttons. 

Fu pressed the three of them and the gramophone began to spin, falling backwards leaving an octagonal black box with red designs. Half of the lid split light up green the other half red. 

"Okay you two. I know you're awake! I'm going to open the box, but i am warning you, no fighting! You must work together." Hesitantly, he opened the lid. Two glowing jewels floated out. Before he could exclaim in excitement the two gems split into different directions, Fu heading after the red one. 


It was the end of the day and Marinette was casually walking down the front steps, freezing when Chloe, of all people called out to her. "Hey Marinella." She said, messing up the name in hope to aggravate the girl.  

"Why don't i walk you home." 

"Gotta run." 

Marinette weaved through the crowds of people, apologising when she ran into someone. "Friends don't run from friends who hate them." Chloe pushed her bag into Sabrina's arms, preparing to chase after the girl.

Marinette, still running, barely avoided cars while crossing the road. "I just want to have a nice screaming exchange like two civilised teenagers." Chloe yelled, from the other side of the road.


Fu, still chasing the red floating light, held his pained back, lunging at the thing in hopes to catch it. He failed numerous times. "Wait we must choose them together."


Marinette, breathing heavily, raced past markets and shops, many people sending her the odd glance. A teenager pushing and shoving through a crowd when there was nothing ahead. "How curious." An old lady drinking tea at a cafe, exclaimed. 


Being the short old man he is, Fu ducked underneath a waiters arms, causing him to scatter a professional looking woman's food all over her table. "Hey!" The man sitting at the table exclaimed. "Sorry." Fu kept on running, without even a mere glance backwards.

Finally catching the thing, he stopped in the middle of the road, inconveniently where he had grasped the red light. Trucks and cars honked their horns and moved to the side of him. Suddenly, a bus, the driver sat too high up to see the tiny man, headed straight towards Fu. 

Everyone watching gasped as the bus came far too close to stop at the speeds it was going. Many parents covered their children's eyes, expecting the worst.

Marinette, who running from Chloe had managed to find herself on the edge of this very road, without a second thought raced onto the road. The usually clumsy girl managed to save the man getting hit, avoiding to get hit herself. 

The crowd cheered, parents uncovering the young ones eyes.

"Are you okay?" Marinette asked the man. 

Ignoring the girl Fu spoke, "You risked your life to save me. Wait a second... It is you. You! Come with me. Now! The world is in danger." 

"Okay, you seem fine." Marinette observed, unconvinced but wanting to escape the situation.

"Marinella!" Chloe broke through the crowd. "Gotta go!" Marinette pulled the man up to his feet. "Hold on! Remember! Who saves a life, saves the world!" He yelled holding his lower back in pain. 

Marinette, tired from all the running, panted to herself, "I have to get away from all these crazies." The man appeared in front of her. "Don't be afraid or we will all die. You are the one." 

She ran, once again. "The whole city's a loony bin."

She managed to find herself on the edge of a spooky alley. With stray cats jumping from old rusted pipes to broken bin lids. Despite her fear, when  Chloe called out again Marinette raced into the alley, hiding behind a stack of bent and torn chairs.

"Why are you so slow Sabrina? You let her get away," Chloe complained. "I- I was carrying both our bags." "You only think about yourself. Find her!"

Marinette, stupidly, ran out from behind the chairs, hitting her foot on a crate, attracting Sabrina's attention.

She put her hands up in a begging kind of motion. "Nothing here." Sabrina called, walking in the other direction. A flash of red and the door she was leaning on opened, sending her tumbling inside.


Eruela was sat at her desk doing her homework when a bang on her window caught her attention. She spun around on her chair, looking at one of her windows which wasn't previously opened. 

She stood up walking over to the glass, delicately resting her fingers on it as she smiled up at the full moon shining brightly in the sky. 

The grey metal bin under her desk began to shake before settling, as if something had lightly knocked it. She peered under, a black cat with vibrant green eyes emerged, before stalking away. 

A glow of green distracted Eruela off the cat as she reached behind the bin grabbing a black ring with a green paw print for detailing.


"I knew since the moment i met you. Sweetheart, will you marry me?" A plump man asked a tall skinny young lady. Romantic music playing in the background. "Oh this is perfect. The setting, the music, but i love someone else." The man ran off crying. 

"How is this possible? I will never love again." He said to himself as he ran, ending up in an old museum filled with statues and artefacts that hold great treasure to the history of Paris. 

A white butterfly, corrupted in purple flew with him. The engagement ring he was hoping to give to the lady swallowed the butterfly. A deep voice spoke in his mind. "Akumatize his heart. Unleash its rage." 

A bubbly purple liquid of some sort flowed over him, transfoming him into a great monster. 


Outside the museum a big man in a tour guide uniform tried to hype up the little crowd his museum had. 

"It was once thought the gargoyles would come to life. At night! Guarding Notre-Dame from evil spirits!" He waved his fingers around crazily.

A deep prolonged growling interrupted his speech as his tiny group of people scattered away. He turned, noticing that what they were looking at happened to be behind him. He too, ran away screaming losing his hat in the process.

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