Chapter 6 - Two Heroes

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"Oh, hello. You again?" "Hey bug."

"Time to make you disappear." The magician called five cards to her left hand and the mime cocked a mimed gun.

"Let me guess... Silent but deadly?" Chatón Noir pulled out her claws. 

"That's it! All bets are off!" The magician launched the cards in the heroes direction. The mime shot a single bullet, soaring through the air.

Ladybug and Chatón Noir gripped each others wrists tightly, nodding. The both knew what they had to do. The stronger of the two, Chatón Noir, flung Ladybug into the air, the latter grabbing out her yoyo, using t to swish the cards away. Chatón Noir reached just infront of Ladybug, who had now landed and stopped the bullet form hitting her. 

 "Did you just..?" Ladybug wondered. Chatón Noir opened her hand, the bullet slipping out. "Woah! Our powers!" "Stronger together!" They spun around but the villains had disappeared.

"Where'd they go?"

"Bounce these fools!" The giant balloon monster sent the ferris wheel rolling through the streets.

Car horns blared and people screamed. "The coaster!" Ladybug exclaimed. "The wheel!" Chatón Noir grabbed her staff from her side and threw it into the sand. "Let's roll!" 

She held down the end of it, the metal extending and curving into an arch. When she let go it sent Ladybug, who had situated herself at the top of it, soaring through the skies. 

The Magician shot beams of magic at Ladybug as the latter chased the runaway cart. 

"Wait! Wrong way!" Chatón Noir called out to the inanimate object as she chased it through the streets. She pounced onto a smooth modern black cat, her ring flashing green as it touched the surface. "Ooo, shiny!" She was childlike as she spoke.  She leaped upwards.

Ladybug swung past and grabbed her by her left arm. "Need a helping hand?" She giggled. 

Ladybug launched her upwards and forewords towards the ferris wheel that was gradually rolling further towards the centre of Paris. 

"Talk about a helping hand." Chatón Noir sighed as she face planted into one of the passenger cars. Inside two girls screamed. One with a short ginger bob was standing protectively as a spoilt looking blonde girl cowered.

"Don't be scared!" She attempted to reassure them but through the glass her voice muffled, causing it to sound somewhat demonic, frightening the girls further.

Down below The Mime rode out of control merry-go-round horses in Chatón Noir's direction. He mimed up a lasso, launching it at the teenagers leg. 

The costumed girl groaned as her leg was aggressively yanked downwards. 

"You're pulling my leg right?" 

Her hold on the glass slipped, and she barely managed to grab onto a beam that located next to the cabin usually used by elderly people who need assistance getting into the car.

The Mime pulled with all his might, Chatón Noir straining. The pale blonde girl shoved the other down and slowly one by one picked of Chatón Noir's fingers. 

"Wait! No!"

"Get away!"

"I'm the good guy!" One hand was off the pole by now.

"Cut it out!" She complained, kicking loose the rope. 

She crawled along the bottom using the metal beams for grip, flinging herself up onto the roof when she reached the other side.

Broken - M. Dupain-ChengWhere stories live. Discover now