Chapter 5 - Two Villains

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Two akumatized villain stalked through the gates of the fair. The taller, the male mime use his power to close the vending door on the vendor's fingers when he tried to get them to pay to enter.

"This looks like fun!" Lucie started, strapping into the roller coaster. "You like them, right?" She asked when she noticed Adrien's hesitant behaviour.

"No." He said. Lucie stared at him shocked. "No, i mean... No, i'm not scared." Adrien corrected.

"Well, you'll love this one. Three loops!" Lucie squealed excitedly as the coaster car began to move.

"Chloe, i'm really... scared of heights." Sabrina nervously informed Chloe as the latter draged her by the wrist towards the ferris wheel. Chloe slammed their hands down. "Fine, i'll just have to find another friend who isn't so selfish and actually cares!" She exaggerated.

"NO! I mean... I can go!" Sabrina mustered the courage to speak. Chloe grabbed her shoulder and began dragging her again.

On the other end of the park, a short dark haired man lifted his daughter up as she aimed a plastic crossbow at a rubber duck. Before she could let go, the mime cocked and invisible gun and shot the duck to pieces.

The other villain, a pink haired magician, laughed as people scrambled away from her. "It's showtime." She whistled. "Hands fly." She made a group of fish from a fishing game come to life, attacking a nearby man like piranhas.

"Today could not get any worse." Marinette whispered. First her identity had almost been revealed, then her crush saw her designs and then her dad embarrassed her in front of said crush.

Meanwhile, with Adrien and Lucie on the roller coaster were having the time of there lives when abruptly the cart stopped at the top of a loop. Adrien nervously twiddled the ring on his finger. "Relax, Adrien. It's part of the ride. I hope." Lucie reassured, quieting for the last part.

"This should get their attention." The magician cackled as she shot electricity at the merry-go-round sending the horses bouncing off, their rides still on them.

The mime set off an invisible bomb sending Marinette, and many others surrounding, forewards to the ground.

"We interrupt this broadcast with a special report." Nadia Chamack, a raspberry pink haired woman, introduced. "A new wave of panic is spreading near the Louvre museum!"

The mime set off another explosion, knocking the ferris wheel of its hinges. Chloe and Sabrina, much like any other riders were terrified. "Why did you make me get on this thing?" Chloe groaned when her oval lensed sunglasses fell over her eyes.

Marinette fearfully held her head in her hands as frantic people rushed past her.

I couldn't find the real/official one without the lyrics but i hope this will do.

Ladybug swung down onto the now bare, deserted fair grounds. Loud, scared cries from an infant, bundled in a blue blanket immediately caught her attention like a net. Five colourful ballon dogs growled at the child, all in a circle surrounding him, ready to pounce.

They jumped forward in sync. Ladybug threw her yo-yo in a loop, knocking them all to the dirt ground. "Keep your dirty paws off him!" She swooped in and grasped the bundle in her arms. "Don't worry, i got you! You're okay.

The whimpers, turned into sinister cackling, a spherical balloon monster revealed itself, Ladybug immediately throwing it away from her. It continued its malicious laughter as the pink haired magician struck it with a blot of yellow lighting from her wand.

The hideous roars began to deepen as the balloon creature expanded to 150 metres tall (about 500 feet).

"What!" The costumed girl asked shocked.

The Magician laughed, standing on a pad of her energy, high in the air, level with her balloon master piece. "Surrender your Miraculous now!"

"Oh, yeah or what?" "I'll squich you like a bug," The Magician laughed.

"Did you need me?"


This isn't in the movie but i also wanted to write a bit of stuff that i came up with instead of just entirely basing this off the movie. I also wanted to give Eruela a bit more description and such as she was meant to be the 'main character' but its really hard when the entire movie is based of marinette and her journey through love and being a superhero. Im not overly happy with it but it should be okay.

(Ten Minutes Ago)

A shiny, charcoal vehicle pulled up in front of Eruela, who had just arrived at the place her and her drive agreed to meet. She flung open the door and slid in. She had already put her headphones in her ears, music blasting so she had no reason to use the ones she kept in the car.

When the car approached her home, Eruela sighed, turning her head away from the window and towards her empty mansion. She absolutely despised living there. She hated it. Her father had bought it thinking all the useless wastes of space could keep her entertained but this was not the case.

This house was a constant reminder that her mother, the woman Eruela had looked up to her entire life, was gone. Her father never told her how she died, just that she was never going to see her again.

It had been almost three long years of her father being cold and distant but Eruela still did her absolute best, but it was never enough. Her father hated her for how much she looked like her mother. He could barely look her in the eyes the spare few times he talked with her.

The car stopped, pulling Eruela out of her hole of dark memories and flashbacks.

Once in her room, before she even got anytime to sit, a roller coater cart flew past her window. She half sobbed half scoffed as she transformed into her superhero alter ego, Chatón Noir.

She raced across rooftops and terraces. It was unimaginable how perfectly timed this akumatisation was. Eruela needed a distraction and here it was. She began sprinting, running faster that what she thought was possible, towards the scene as she saw a giant balloon man grow and appear.

Before the huge balloon fist/arm could squash Ladybug, her partner, she jumped down with her staff raised. "Did you need me?"

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