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"Hi.. hi hi." I heared a nasal laugh coming to my right. I looked and saw a bald man that smiles weirdly. "Hello!" He said in a weird tone and bowed. "Hello.." I greeted him. However he kept laughing and got to his room.

Well that was weird, at least I talked to the tenants somehow.

An hour later.
I'm bored, I don't have anything to do. Don't have a job, don't know where to go, don't have much hobby just eating, yeah I have soo much free time. A phone rang and got me startled. I immediately picked it up, and it's Lee Seokmin.

"Hello?" I answered. "Hey, Shin Min Ah!" He sounded like a captain in an army. "What!" I shouted him back. "Why didn't you tell me that you left to that haunted house!" He continued.
"How did you-" I heard the door knocked by someone. "Wait." I whispered to the phone.
I opened the door, and it's the guy I bumped an moment ago. "How can I help-." I got cut off.
"Don't you keep you're manners when you live with people?" He said.
"Go out if you're having a phone call." He said.
"I- did, you could heared that? I'm sorry." I stuttered.
"Stay out of my sight." He said and click his tongue. I just stood there silently.
"Hey Min Ah are you there?" I heard it from the phone. "Sorry I forgot you for a second."

On the roof top. "Hey, how did you know that I left there?" I said.
"Mr. Ahn told me. Where are you right now? Have you eaten yet? Did you sleep?" He asked.
"I haven't eaten yet..."
"You should come by here and have some chicken. Or should I come to you?"
"You should! I'm living at an small apartment right now, it's called Eden Studio." I said.
"Eden Studio? It sounded so familiar. By the way noona(an older term to call someone). There's so many things change since you didn't go out." He said.
"What is it?" I questioned.
"You didn't know?"
"I said what is it!" I shouted.
"You see..."

I put my phone to my pocket and with a blank face. "Pretty girl!" Someone shouted. I looked back and it's the landwoman. "Are you checking out the rooftop?" She said. "Well, yes."
"Don't you love it?" She said and hang the cloths. "Ah, yes why won't I." I said.
"By the way, I forgot to tell you. The fourth floor, you know it's for the women's right? There's no one living there at the moment, it's because it need to be fixed to fire, but I couldn't take a loan because of the bad economic situation. So don't go in there. You might get hurt." She said.
"I won't." I smiled and bowed.

What do you mean by getting hurt?

I walk inside the hallway making my way to my room, I looked to my right and saw a man cutting some women's nude posters. He has a bob cut hair wearing a broken glasses. I stared to him for a while being discust, however he noticed it and I walk away immediately going to my room.

Again, I have nothing else to do just laying on my new bed comfortably. At the moment I sat up and goes to the desk, I picked up my bag that has full of money. What am I gonna do with this? Should I buy some food again? I don't know anymore.

Remembering what Seokmin told me. "Noona, you see. Your stepmom is now the owner of the S&K Corp. Isn't that strange?"

Is that why I was kept at the house because she doesn't want me to take the company? After all, she just wanted the money.

After that I just slept

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