4th Floor

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"Honey. Wake up."

I heard a whisper when I was taking a nap, I got curious. Was it on the next door? I got up and slowly walk to the other side. Suddenly, the phone rang. I picked up and it was just a spam call. "Gosh." I said quietly.

I heard a bang on the top of the floor. I got curious again soo I exit the floor and decided to go to the fourth floor. I hesitate to open it when the landlady said that I can't go here.

As I was handling the door knob. I got shot by an pellet gun. I heard a laugh upstairs, and it's the bald guy. He kept laughing and laughing in a weird way. I just stood there and did nothing, I don't wanna cause some ruckus on a disabled guy.

"N-no one lives t-there because of t-he fire." He stuttered.
"Right? By the way, I thought I heard something from here. Do you-"
"Maybe you heard a ghost." He giggles. "How scary." He left while giggling

What was that...

Elsewhere, a police officer named Sung Jung Hwa was fixing their car with the co worker. "Jung Hwa. Aren't you getting hot? Lets just call a wrecker." Her co worker said. "Start the engine now." She said.
Eventually, it worked. "Let's go." She entered the car.
"Jung Hwa. I can tell that you were an engineering major." Her co worker praises her.
"I was the queen of engineering department. Let's just go now." She said.

She and her partner respond to a report from the young woman that was feeding the cat earlier. She tells them she'd noticed a weird smell and directs them towards a bag in the garbage pile. Jung-hwa peeks inside to find the cat... dead.

Turns out it's the tenth dead cat found that month and Jung-hwa deduces from the lack of CCTV cameras in the area, the culprit likely lives in the neighborhood. She recalls a similar case just a few months prior where multiple dead cats led up to the murder of a person, but her partner just sighs that she should go to the dentist for her sore tooth.

Back at the station, Jung-hwa repeats her concerns to a deskmate. She launches into a well-rehearsed description about psychopaths and animal abuse and Hyun-ho listens with an amused smile before urging her to go to the dentist. But she kept declining the offer.

Eventually, she did.

"We're supposed to be closed but our dentist is giving you a special treatment." The assistant gripes. "Aren't you open until 10pm every day?" Jung Hwa said. "We open until 10pm only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday." The assistant responded. As she nodded.

"Officer Sung Jung Hwa?" The dentist Seo Moon-jo. "Mr. Park called me."
"Did he call you?" She said.
"Yes, I'll handle it. You can go home." He dismisses the assistants.

As the assistant left. He checkes Jung Hwa's teeth. He tells Jung hwa she needs a root canal and when her eyes widen. "Does it hurts alot?"
"I guess even the police officer is scared of dentist." He said. She scoffs.
"That's not true. But is it painful?"
"I won't make it painful." He put his mask on. "Let me put you under anesthesia." He picked up the syringe.
"Can you slow down please?" She said and he nods.

After the anesthetic, Jung hwa was looking at the picture of Love and sharing Volunteer Work. Where the dentist volunteers once a month. They agree to do the procedure next week and Jung-hwa apologizes for keeping him late, guessing he must be close with her boss (who set up her appointment). Moon-jo says they merely know each other through volunteer work and the two part ways.

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