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after leaving the Omashu, the gang now takes a break after a long trip with Appa in the jungle.

Y/n: okay guys ... I'm gonna be honest with you, I guess it's fair you guys know who I am... My name is Kazuma Y/n a fire nation citizen.

Aang, Katara, and Sokka gasped at the shocking news.

Sokka: so you're here to take Aang with you and ran away?

Aang: how could you lie to us?

Katara: Please tell us you are joking.

Y/n: no, it's the truth and please let me explain my story then you can judge me
Based on my words, my father is a war hero in Fire Nation and my mother... She...she died recently due to the sickness.

Katara: I'm sorry to hear that.

Y/n: well she always loved me and my brother and she taught us to be kind to everyone and she always said that nobody deserved to be hurt.

Aang: your mother had strong wisdom and she was very kind too.

Y/n: yes she was, cut to the point, before my mother passed away she told me that I'd been chosen to save the world from King Ozai, although my father had other visions, he believe if the Avatar die, King Ozai would stop his invasion.

Aang: and you think that's not true.

Y/n: of course it isn't, but my situation is a little complicated, unfortunately my brother doesn't have our mother's vision about the world and he still believes that Aang's death will bring peace to our world.

Katara: is your brother strong as you are?

Y/n: he's a talented fire bender, stronger than King Ozai's children...and I hope you never face him Aang.

Sokka: what will you do about Ozai?

Y/n: Ozai is a monster and I stop him but I don't know if I can do this alone.

Katara: we will do this together.

Y/n: thanks Katara but my fear is another matter, I'm afraid of myself, my mother warned me this power is a gift and a curse. My grandfather always said to me and my brother that...
"whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster".

Aang: I know what are you trying to say,
But I have faith that we can accomplish our mission if we support each other.

Sokka: okay alright enough with the drama, I'm so hungry to discuss this problem further.

Aang: What's for dinner?

Sokka: We've got a few options. First; round nuts. And some kind of oval shaped nuts? And some rock-shaped nuts, that might just be rocks. Dig in!

Katara: Seriously ... what else you got?

Y/n: maybe we should find a village, I got some money to spend, actually a lot.

Sokka: you mean my nuts are worthless?

Y/n: I guess... sorry Sokka.

Suddenly the entire earth quakes.

Sokka: What was that?

Y/n: whatever it is, it's close.

The earthquake returns.

Aang: It's coming from over there!

Y/n: come on let's go.

Sokka: Shouldn't we run away from huge booms? Not toward them?

The gang, hide behind a fallen tree and spies on a young boy bending boulders into the air and punching them into the side of the ravine.

Katara: An earthbender!

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