Chapter 5

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" And battle!" Zandar calls shooting a spark of blue to the stage. The ground now felt like thin ice. Shit. My feet felt queasy, along with the lunch I just ate. Darwin sees my discomfort and grins ," too weak peasant?"

*Dearest fanbase, play the song- I see red.( You'll know the perfect timing)*

Son of a- I sprint and land a blow right to his jaw. The crowd cries. Recovering he looks up and I see a line of blood above his brow. Now I grin. " And you couldn't get uglier, " I say.
He hisses, wiping the blood and that smirk off. With unnatural speed he raises his fist only to get blocked by my smooth technique. My hands, too busy with blocking his fat fist miss the kick to my gut and I fall down.
The crowd boos. Another blow to my back and pain runs cartwheels through my skin.
Still holding me down he whispers," Where's mummy and daddy now?". I see red.
With my free hand, I twist it and snatch his face and slam it against the blue floor. I launch myself to my feet ignoring the stars in my eyes. All I see is red. Hands shaking I deliver a kick over and over till he's unmoving. Crouching I whisper," should've stayed in your cage you little shit." Somewhere the crowd cheers but all I hear's my blood pounding.
FOCUS REI. My hands shake as I drop to my knees. FOCUS. " REI!" I look up to see Zandar. "You won, get up!" she says shaking my shoulders. After blinking profusely I get to my feet with Zandar helping me. I'd defeated the bitch, as I'd said I would. I release a shaky laugh just as Lyra tackles me into a hug.
" Team Zandar for the win!" Candor calls, " the whole house qualifies for the finals! For once.."
Everyone from my house whoops just as Zandar releases gold sparks to the air. People come from all directions to congratulate me. Even the creature Clarice. All this would be joyous if only I could ignore the pounding in my head. Seriously who gave my brain a freaking sledgehammer.
From the side of my eye, not that I gave a shit, I caught Ethane staring through my soul. Eyes thick with judgement and blame.
" Rei, girl, u good?" Lyra asks. In a blur I'm make a painful side grin. "oh my god your eyes-" My knees buckle.

Everything goes black.

~Dearest fanbase, ikr

Dealt with abundant writers block for this, however , impressed

P.s, expect more tuneage.

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